
Excel: The way to Calculate Median Price and Forget about Zeros

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You’ll virtue refer to system in Excel to calculate the median price of a specific dimension and forget about any values equivalent to 0:


This actual instance will calculate the median price within the dimension B2:B10 and forget about any values equivalent to 0 when calculating the median.

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Refer to instance presentations learn how to virtue this syntax in follow.

Instance: Calculate Median Price and Forget about Zeros in Excel

Assume we’ve got refer to dataset in Excel that accommodates details about diverse basketball gamers:

Assume we virtue refer to system to calculate the median price within the issues column:


Refer to screenshot presentations learn how to virtue this system in follow:

By way of default, Excel considers each price within the dimension when calculating the median.

Thus, the MEDIAN system organized each and every price within the issues column from smallest to biggest and selected the center price because the median:

Issues values: 0, 0, 13, 14, 18, 22, 24, 28, 29

On the other hand, we will be able to virtue refer to system rather to calculate the median price within the issues column and forget about all values equivalent to 0:


Refer to screenshot presentations learn how to virtue this system in follow:

This actual system calculated the median price within the issues column and omitted all issues values equivalent to 0.

Thus, the MEDIAN system organized each and every price within the issues column from smallest to biggest (apart from the zeros) and selected the center price because the median:

Issues values: 13, 14, 18, 22, 24, 28, 29

When ignoring values equivalent to 0, the median price seems to be 22.

Alternative Sources

Refer to tutorials give an explanation for learn how to carry out alternative regular operations in Excel:

The way to Calculate the Median by way of Staff in Excel
The way to Calculate Median of Filtered Rows in Excel
The way to Calculate the Median in a Pivot Desk in Excel

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