
Learn how to Convert Datetime to While in Pandas

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Steadily you could need to convert a datetime to a generation in pandas. Thankfully that is simple to do the use of the .dt.generation serve as, which takes on refer to syntax:

df['date_column'] = pd.to_datetime(df['datetime_column']).dt.generation

Instance: Datetime to While in Pandas

As an example, think we have now refer to pandas DataFrame:

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import pandas as pd

#build pandas DataFrame with two columns
df = pd.DataFrame({'gross sales': [4, 11],
                   'pace': ['2020-01-15 20:02:58', '2020-01-18 14:43:24']})

#view DataFrame 

gross sales	pace
0	4	2020-01-15 20:02:58
1	11	2020-01-18 14:43:24

To transform the ‘time’ column to only a generation, we will be able to worth refer to syntax:

#convert datetime column to only generation
df['time'] = pd.to_datetime(df['time']).dt.generation

#view DataFrame

	gross sales	pace
0	4	2020-01-15
1	11	2020-01-18

Now the ‘time’ column simply presentations the generation with out the pace.

The use of Normalize() for datetime64 Dtypes

You will have to observe that the code above will go back an object dtype:

#to find dtype of every column in DataFrame

gross sales     int64
pace     object
dtype:   object

In case you rather need datetime64 later you’ll normalize() the pace trait, which can stock the dtype as datetime64 however it is going to best show the generation:

#convert datetime column to only generation
df['time'] = pd.to_datetime(df['time']).dt.normalize()

#view DataFrame

	gross sales	pace
0	4	2020-01-15
1	11	2020-01-18

#to find dtype of every column in DataFrame

gross sales             int64
pace     datetime64[ns]
dtype: object

As soon as once more best the generation is displayed, however the ‘time’ column is a datetime64 dtype.

Extra Assets

Learn how to Convert Columns to DateTime in Pandas
Learn how to Convert Tales to Flow in Pandas

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