
Pandas: Find out how to Form Pivot Desk with Sum of Values

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You’ll virtue refer to unsophisticated syntax to develop a pivot desk in pandas that presentations the sum of values in positive columns:

pd.pivot_table(df, values="col1", index='col2', columns="col3", aggfunc="sum")

Refer to instance presentations the best way to virtue this syntax in observe.

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Instance: Form Pandas Pivot Desk With Sum of Values

Think we now have refer to pandas DataFrame that comprises details about diverse basketball avid gamers:

import pandas as pd

#develop DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame({'group': ['A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'B', 'B', 'B', 'B'],
                   'place': ['G', 'G', 'F', 'F', 'G', 'F', 'F', 'F'],
                   'issues': [4, 4, 6, 8, 9, 5, 5, 12]})

#view DataFrame

  group place  issues
0    A        G       4
1    A        G       4
2    A        F       6
3    A        F       8
4    B        G       9
5    B        F       5
6    B        F       5
7    B        F      12

Refer to code presentations the best way to develop a pivot desk in pandas that presentations the sum of ‘points’ values for every ‘team’ and ‘position’ within the DataFrame:

#develop pivot desk
df_pivot = pd.pivot_table(df, values="issues", index='group', columns="place",

#view pivot desk

place   F  G
A         14  8
B         22  9

From the output we will be able to see:

  • Avid gamers on group A in place F scored a complete of 14 issues.
  • Avid gamers on group A in place G scored a complete of 8 issues.
  • Avid gamers on group B in place F scored a complete of 22 issues.
  • Avid gamers on group B in place G scored a complete of 9 issues.

Notice that we will be able to additionally virtue the margins argument to show the margin sums within the pivot desk:

#develop pivot desk with margins
df_pivot = pd.pivot_table(df, values="issues", index='group', columns="place",
                          aggfunc="sum", margins=True, margins_name="Sum")

#view pivot desk

place   F   G  Sum
A         14   8   22
B         22   9   31
Sum       36  17   53

The pivot desk now presentations the row sums and column sums.

Notice: You’ll in finding all the documentation for the pandas pivot_table() serve as right here.

Supplementary Sources

Refer to tutorials give an explanation for the best way to carry out alternative usual operations in pandas:

Pandas: Find out how to Reshape DataFrame from Lengthy to Large
Pandas: Find out how to Reshape DataFrame from Large to Lengthy
Pandas: Find out how to Staff and Mixture through A couple of Columns

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