
Pandas: The best way to All set Column as Index

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You’ll usefulness please see syntax to eager a column in a pandas DataFrame because the index:

#eager one column as index

#eager more than one columns as multi index
df.set_index(['col1', 'col2'])

Please see examples display the way to usefulness this syntax in follow with please see DataFrame:

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import pandas as pd

#form DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame({'issues': [5, 7, 7, 9, 12, 9],
                   'assists': [11, 8, 10, 6, 6, 5],
                   'crew': ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'],
                   'convention': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]})

#view DataFrame

	issues	assists	crew	convention
0	5	11	A	1
1	7	8	B	2
2	7	10	C	3
3	9	6	D	4
4	12	6	E	5
5	9	5	F	6

Instance 1: All set One Column as Index

Please see code presentations the way to eager one column of the pandas DataFrame because the index:


	issues	assists	convention
A	5	11	1
B	7	8	2
C	7	10	3
D	9	6	4
E	12	6	5
F	9	5	6

Instance 2: All set A couple of Columns as Index

Please see code presentations the way to eager more than one columns of the pandas DataFrame as a Multi-Index::

df.set_index(['team', 'conference'])

		   issues  assists
crew	convention		
A	1	   5	   11
B	2	   7	   8
C	3	   7	   10
D	4	   9	   6
E	5	   12	   6
F	6	   9	   5

Supplementary Assets

The best way to Rename Index in Pandas DataFrame
The best way to Reduce Rows by means of Index in Pandas
The best way to Reduce Columns by means of Index in Pandas

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