
Pandas: The best way to Assemble Column If It Doesn’t Exist

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You’ll worth refer to plain syntax to build a column in a pandas DataFrame if it doesn’t exist already:

df['my_column'] = df.get('my_column', df['col1'] * df['col2']) 

This actual syntax creates a fresh column referred to as my_column if it doesn’t exist already within the DataFrame and it’s outlined because the fabricated from the prevailing columns col1 and col2.

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Please see instance presentations how you can worth this syntax in apply.

Instance: Assemble Column in Pandas If It Doesn’t Exist

Think we’ve refer to pandas DataFrame:

import pandas as pd

#build DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame({'generation': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12],
                   'gross sales': [4, 6, 5, 8, 14, 13, 13, 12, 9, 8, 19, 14],
                   'value': [1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 4, 4, 3, 3, 2, 2, 3]})

#view DataFrame

    generation  gross sales  value
0     1      4      1
1     2      6      2
2     3      5      2
3     4      8      1
4     5     14      2
5     6     13      4
6     7     13      4
7     8     12      3
8     9      9      3
9    10      8      2
10   11     19      2
11   12     14      3

Now assume we effort so as to add a column referred to as value if it doesn’t exist already and outline it as a column through which each and every price is the same as 100:

#effort so as to add column referred to as 'value'
df['price'] = df.get('value', 100)    

#view up to date DataFrame

    generation  gross sales  value
0     1      4      1
1     2      6      2
2     3      5      2
3     4      8      1
4     5     14      2
5     6     13      4
6     7     13      4
7     8     12      3
8     9      9      3
9    10      8      2
10   11     19      2
11   12     14      3

Since a column referred to as value already exists, pandas merely doesn’t upload it to the DataFrame.

On the other hand, assume we effort so as to add a fresh column referred to as income if it doesn’t exist already and outline it as a column through which the values are the fabricated from the gross sales and worth columns:

#effort so as to add column referred to as 'income'
df['revenue'] = df.get('income', df['sales'] * df['price'])

#view up to date DataFrame

    generation  gross sales  value  income
0     1      4      1        4
1     2      6      2       12
2     3      5      2       10
3     4      8      1        8
4     5     14      2       28
5     6     13      4       52
6     7     13      4       52
7     8     12      3       36
8     9      9      3       27
9    10      8      2       16
10   11     19      2       38
11   12     14      3       42

This income column is added to the DataFrame as it didn’t exist already.

Extra Assets

Please see tutorials give an explanation for how you can carry out alternative regular operations in pandas:

The best way to Let fall Rows in Pandas DataFrame In line with Status
The best way to Filter out a Pandas DataFrame on More than one Statuses
The best way to Worth “NOT IN” Filter out in Pandas DataFrame

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