
The right way to Cure: TypeError: unsupported operand sort(s) for -: ‘str’ and ‘int’

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One error it’s possible you’ll come upon when the usage of Python is:

TypeError: unsupported operand sort(s) for -: 'str' and 'int'

This mistake happens whilst you effort to accomplish subtraction with a story variable and a numeric variable.

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Refer to instance displays tips on how to deal with this mistake in follow.

The right way to Reproduce the Error

Think we have now please see pandas DataFrame:

import pandas as pd

#develop DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame({'staff': ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H'],
                   'points_for': ['18', '22', '19', '14', '14', '11', '20', '28'],
                   'points_against': [5, 7, 17, 22, 12, 9, 9, 4]})

#view DataFrame

  staff points_for  points_against
0    A         18               5
1    B         22               7
2    C         19              17
3    D         14              22
4    E         14              12
5    F         11               9
6    G         20               9
7    H         28               4

#view knowledge form of every column

staff              object
points_for        object
points_against     int64
dtype: object

Now assume we effort to subtract the points_against column from the points_for column:

#effort to accomplish subtraction
df['diff'] = df.points_for - df.points_against

TypeError: unsupported operand sort(s) for -: 'str' and 'int'

We obtain a TypeError since the points_for column is a story year the points_against column is numeric.

To bring to accomplish subtraction, each columns will have to be numeric.

The right way to Cure the Error

To unravel this mistake, we will utility .astype(int) to transform the points_for column to an integer earlier than appearing the subtraction:

#convert points_for column to integer
df['points_for'] = df['points_for'].astype(int)

#carry out subtraction
df['diff'] = df.points_for - df.points_against

#view up to date DataFrame

  staff  points_for  points_against  diff
0    A          18               5    13
1    B          22               7    15
2    C          19              17     2
3    D          14              22    -8
4    E          14              12     2
5    F          11               9     2
6    G          20               9    11
7    H          28               4    24

#view knowledge form of every column

staff              object
points_for         int32
points_against     int64
diff               int64
dtype: object

Realize that we don’t obtain an error as a result of each columns we old for the subtraction are numeric columns.

Alternative Assets

Refer to tutorials provide an explanation for tips on how to recovery alternative ordinary mistakes in Python:

The right way to Cure KeyError in Pandas
The right way to Cure: ValueError: can’t convert flow NaN to integer
The right way to Cure: ValueError: operands may just now not be broadcast at the side of shapes

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