
The way to Calculate a Reversed Cumulative Sum in Pandas

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The cumsum() serve as may also be worn to calculate the cumulative sum of values in a column of a pandas DataFrame.

You’ll usefulness refer to syntax to calculate a reversed cumulative sum of values in a column:

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df['cumsum_reverse'] = df.loc[::-1, 'my_column'].cumsum()[::-1]

This actual syntax provides a fresh column known as cumsum_reverse to a pandas DataFrame that displays the reversed cumulative sum of values within the column titled my_column.

Refer to instance displays learn how to usefulness this syntax in apply.

Instance: Calculate a Reversed Cumulative Sum in Pandas

Think now we have refer to pandas DataFrame that displays the entire gross sales made through some pack throughout 10 consecutive days:

import pandas as pd

#develop DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame({'time': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10],
                   'gross sales': [3, 6, 0, 2, 4, 1, 0, 1, 4, 7]})

#view DataFrame

      time   gross sales
0	1	3
1	2	6
2	3	0
3	4	2
4	5	4
5	6	1
6	7	0
7	8	1
8	9	4
9	10	7

We will be able to usefulness refer to syntax to calculate a reversed cumulative sum of the gross sales column:

#upload fresh column that displays opposite cumulative sum of gross sales
df['cumsum_reverse_sales'] = df.loc[::-1, 'sales'].cumsum()[::-1]

#view up to date DataFrame

	time	gross sales	cumsum_reverse_sales
0	1	3	28
1	2	6	25
2	3	0	19
3	4	2	19
4	5	4	17
5	6	1	13
6	7	0	12
7	8	1	12
8	9	4	11
9	10	7	7

The fresh column titled cumsum_reverse_sales displays the cumulative gross sales settingup from the endmost row.

Right here’s how we’d interpret the values within the cumsum_reverse_sales column:

  • The cumulative sum of gross sales for time 10 is 7.
  • The cumulative sum of gross sales for time 10 and time 9 is 11.
  • The cumulative sum of gross sales for time 10, time 9, and time 8 is 12.
  • The cumulative sum of gross sales for time 10, time 9, time 8, and time 7 is 12.

And so forth.

Spare Assets

Refer to tutorials provide an explanation for learn how to carry out alternative familiar duties in pandas:

The way to Sum Particular Columns in Pandas
The way to Carry out a GroupBy Sum in Pandas
The way to Sum Columns In accordance with a Status in Pandas

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