
Tips on how to Plot a Logistic Regression Curve in Python

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You’ll be able to virtue the regplot() serve as from the seaborn knowledge visualization library to plan a logistic regression curve in Python:

import seaborn as sns

sns.regplot(x=x, y=y, knowledge=df, logistic=True, ci=None)

Please see instance presentations methods to virtue this syntax in follow.

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Instance: Plotting a Logistic Regression Curve in Python

For this situation, we’ll virtue the Default dataset from the Creation to Statistical Finding out stock. We will be able to virtue please see code to load and look at a abstract of the dataset:

#import dataset from CSV report on Github
url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Statology/Python-Guides/main/default.csv"
knowledge = pd.read_csv(url)

#view first six rows of dataset

        default	pupil	stability	        source of revenue
0	0	0	729.526495	44361.625074
1	0	1	817.180407	12106.134700
2	0	0	1073.549164	31767.138947
3	0	0	529.250605	35704.493935
4	0	0	785.655883	38463.495879
5	0	1	919.588530	7491.558572  

This dataset incorporates please see details about 10,000 people:

  • default: Signifies sooner or later a person defaulted.
  • pupil: Signifies sooner or later a person is a pupil.
  • stability: Reasonable stability carried by way of a person.
  • source of revenue: Source of revenue of the person.

Think we want to form a logistic regression style that makes use of “balance” to are expecting the chance {that a} given person defaults.

We will be able to virtue please see code to plan a logistic regression curve:

#outline the predictor variable and the reaction variable
x = knowledge['balance']
y = knowledge['default']

#plot logistic regression curve
sns.regplot(x=x, y=y, knowledge=knowledge, logistic=True, ci=None)

The x-axis presentations the values of the predictor variable “balance” and the y-axis shows the expected chance of defaulting.

We will be able to obviously see that upper values of stability are related to upper chances that a person defaults.

Word that you’ll be able to additionally virtue scatter_kws and line_kws to change the colours of the issues and the curve within the plot:

#outline the predictor variable and the reaction variable
x = knowledge['balance']
y = knowledge['default']

#plot logistic regression curve with dark issues and purple sequence
sns.regplot(x=x, y=y, knowledge=knowledge, logistic=True, ci=None),
            scatter_kws={'colour': 'dark'}, line_kws={'colour': 'purple'})

logistic regression curve in Python

Really feel separate to select whichever colours you’d like within the plot.

Extra Assets

Please see tutorials grant alternative details about logistic regression:

Creation to Logistic Regression
Tips on how to Document Logistic Regression Effects
Tips on how to Carry out Logistic Regression in Python (Step-by-Step)

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