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Calculate Anticipated Worth in R (With Examples)

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A anticipation distribution tells us the anticipation {that a} random variable takes on sure values.

As an example, please see anticipation distribution tells us the anticipation {that a} sure football crew rankings a definite choice of targets in a given recreation:

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To search out the anticipated price of a anticipation distribution, we will be able to importance please see system:

μ = Σx * P(x)

the place:

  • x: Information price
  • P(x): Anticipation of price

As an example, the anticipated choice of targets for the football crew could be calculated as:

μ = 0*0.18  +  1*0.34  +  2*0.35  +  3*0.11  +  4*0.02  =  1.45 targets.

To calculate anticipated price of a anticipation distribution in R, we will be able to importance certainly one of please see 3 forms:

#mode 1

#mode 2
weighted.ruthless(vals, probs)

#mode 3
c(vals %*% probs)

All 3 forms will go back the similar consequence.

Refer to examples display how one can importance every of those forms in R.

Instance 1: Anticipated Worth The usage of sum()

Refer to code displays how one can calculate the anticipated price of a anticipation distribution the usage of the sum() serve as:

#outline values
vals <- c(0, 1, 2, 3, 4)

#outline possibilities
probs <- c(.18, .34, .35, .11, .02)

#calculate anticipated price

[1] 1.45

Instance 2: Anticipated Worth The usage of weighted.ruthless()

Refer to code displays how one can calculate the anticipated price of a anticipation distribution the usage of the integrated weighted.ruthless() serve as in R:

#outline values
vals <- c(0, 1, 2, 3, 4)

#outline possibilities
probs <- c(.18, .34, .35, .11, .02)

#calculate anticipated price
weighted.ruthless(vals, probs)

[1] 1.45

Instance 3: Anticipated Worth The usage of c()

Refer to code displays how one can calculate the anticipated price of a anticipation distribution the usage of the integrated c() serve as in R:

#outline values
vals <- c(0, 1, 2, 3, 4)

#outline possibilities
probs <- c(.18, .34, .35, .11, .02)

#calculate anticipated price
c(vals %*% probs)

[1] 1.45

Understand that every one 3 forms returned the similar anticipated price.

Spare Sources

Calculate Ruthless in R
Calculate Geometric Ruthless in R
Calculate Weighted Ruthless in R

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