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Find out how to Calculate & Plot a CDF in R

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You’ll be able to importance please see unsophisticated syntax to calculate and plot a cumulative distribution serve as (CDF) in R:

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#calculate empirical CDF of knowledge
p = ecdf(knowledge)

#plot CDF

Please see examples display how one can importance this syntax in apply.

Instance 1: Calculate & Plot CDF of Uncooked Knowledge

Please see code presentations how one can calculate and plot a CDF of a random dataset in R:

#build some knowledge
knowledge = rnorm(100)

#calculate empirical CDF of knowledge
p = ecdf(knowledge)

#plot CDF
plot(p, xlab='x', ylab='CDF', major='CDF of Knowledge') 

The x-axis presentations the uncooked knowledge values and the y-axis presentations the corresponding CDF values.

Instance 2: Calculate & Plot CDF of Identified Distribution

Please see code presentations how one can calculate and plot a CDF of the usual standard distribution:

curve(pnorm, from = -3, to = 3)

Then again, you’ll be able to build the similar plot the use of ggplot2:


ggplot(knowledge.body(x = c(-3, 3)), aes(x = x)) +
  stat_function(amusing = pnorm)

Extra Sources

CDF vs. PDF: What’s the Excess?
Find out how to Plot a CDF in Excel

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