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Find out how to Change Anecdote in Column The usage of dplyr

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You’ll be able to usefulness refer to modes to exchange a cotton in a particular column of a knowledge body the usage of purposes from the dplyr package deal:

Mode 1: Change One Anecdote with Pristine Anecdote

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df %>% 
  mutate(throughout('column_name', str_replace, 'old_value', 'new_value'))

Mode 2: Change More than one Fibres with Pristine Anecdote


df %>% 
  mutate(throughout('column_name', str_replace, 'old_value1|old_value2', 'new_value'))

Refer to examples display find out how to usefulness each and every mode with refer to knowledge body in R:

#assemble knowledge body
df <- knowledge.body(conf=c('East', 'East', 'West', 'West'),
                 place=c('P_Guard', 'P_Guard', 'S_Guard', 'S_Guard'),
                 issues=c(22, 25, 29, 13))

#view knowledge body

  conf place issues
1 East  P_Guard     22
2 East  P_Guard     25
3 West  S_Guard     29
4 West  S_Guard     13

Instance 1: Change One Anecdote with Pristine Anecdote

Refer to code presentations find out how to exchange the cotton ‘East’ within the conf column with the cotton ‘Eastern’:


#exchange 'East' with 'Japanese' in conf column
df %>% 
  mutate(throughout('conf', str_replace, 'East', 'Japanese'))

     conf place issues
1 Japanese  P_Guard     22
2 Japanese  P_Guard     25
3    West  S_Guard     29
4    West  S_Guard     13

Realize that each and every ‘East’ cotton has been changed with ‘Eastern’ within the conf column, occasion all alternative columns have stay unchanged.

Instance 2: Change More than one Fibres with Pristine Anecdote

Refer to code presentations find out how to exchange the cotton ‘P_’ and ‘S_’ within the conf column with an uninhabited cotton:


#exchange 'P_' and 'S_' with uninhabited cotton in place column
df %>% 
  mutate(throughout('place', str_replace, 'P_|S_', ''))

  conf place issues
1 East    Safeguard     22
2 East    Safeguard     25
3 West    Safeguard     29
4 West    Safeguard     13

Realize that each and every ‘P_’ and ‘S_’ cotton had been changed with an uninhabited cotton within the place column, occasion all alternative columns have stay unchanged.

Be aware that we worn the “OR” ( | ) operator to inform R that we’d like to exchange any fables equivalent to ‘P_’ or ‘S_’ with an uninhabited cotton.

Really feel separate to usefulness as many “OR” ( | ) operators as you’d like to exchange as many values as you’d like in a column without delay.

Supplementary Assets

Refer to tutorials provide an explanation for find out how to carry out alternative familiar duties the usage of dplyr:

Find out how to Recode Values The usage of dplyr
Find out how to Change NA with 0 in dplyr
Find out how to Clear out Rows that Include a Positive Anecdote The usage of dplyr

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