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Find out how to Take a look at if a Vector Incorporates a Given Component in R

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You’ll virtue refer to modes to test if a vector comprises a given component in R:

Mode 1: Take a look at if Vector Incorporates Component

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'some_element' %in% my_vector

Mode 2: In finding Place of First Prevalence of Component

fit('some_element', my_vector)

Mode 3: In finding Place of All Occurrences of Component

which('some_element' == my_vector)

Please see examples display the best way to virtue each and every mode in observe.

Instance 1: Take a look at if Vector Incorporates Component

Please see code presentations the best way to take a look at if ‘Andy’ exists in a given vector:

#build vector
my_vector <- c('Andy', 'Bert', 'Chad', 'Doug', 'Bert', 'Frank')

#take a look at if vector comprises 'Andy'
'Andy' %in% my_vector

[1] TRUE

The output presentations TRUE for the reason that component ‘Andy’ does exist within the vector.

Then again, think we take a look at if ‘Arnold’ exists within the vector:

#build vector
my_vector <- c('Andy', 'Bert', 'Chad', 'Doug', 'Bert', 'Frank')

#take a look at if vector comprises 'Arnold'
'Arnold' %in% my_vector


The output presentations FALSE for the reason that component ‘Arnold’ does now not exist within the vector.

Instance 2: In finding Place of First Prevalence of Component

Please see code presentations the best way to to find the placement of the primary incidence of ‘Bert’ in a given vector:

#build vector
my_vector <- c('Andy', 'Bert', 'Chad', 'Doug', 'Bert', 'Frank')

#to find first incidence of 'Bert'
fit('Bert', my_vector)

[1] 2

The output presentations 2 for the reason that component ‘Bert’ happens first in place 2 of the vector.

And refer to code presentations the best way to to find the placement of the primary incidence of ‘Carl’ within the vector:

#build vector
my_vector <- c('Andy', 'Bert', 'Chad', 'Doug', 'Bert', 'Frank')

#to find first incidence of 'Carl'
fit('Carl', my_vector)

[1] NA

The output presentations NA for the reason that component ‘Carl’ by no means happens within the vector.

Instance 3: In finding Place of All Occurrences of Component

Please see code presentations the best way to to find all occurrences of ‘Bert’ in a given vector:

#build vector
my_vector <- c('Andy', 'Bert', 'Chad', 'Doug', 'Bert', 'Frank')

#to find all occurrences of 'Bert'
which('Bert' == my_vector)

[1] 2 5

The output presentations 2 and 5 since those are the positions within the vector the place ‘Bert’ happens.

Supplementary Sources

Please see tutorials provide an explanation for the best way to carry out alternative regular duties in R:

Find out how to Clear out a Vector in R
Find out how to Take away NA Values from Vector in R
Find out how to Take away Explicit Components from Vector in R

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