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How one can Transpose a Information Body The use of dplyr

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You’ll significance refer to unsophisticated syntax to transpose an information body the usage of the dplyr bundle in R:


df %>%
    pivot_wider(names_from = column1, values_from = column2)

The names_from argument specifies the values to significance for the column names within the transposed knowledge body and the values_from argument specifies the mobile values to significance inside the transposed knowledge body.

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Word that the pipe operator (%>%) comes from the dplyr bundle day the pivot_wider() serve as comes from the tidyr bundle.

Refer to instance presentations easy methods to significance this syntax in follow.

Instance: Transpose a Information Body The use of dplyr

Think we have now refer to knowledge body in R that accommodates details about numerous basketball groups:

#manufacture knowledge body
df <- knowledge.body(group=c('Mavs', 'Nets', 'Kings', 'Lakers'),
                 issues=c(99, 104, 119, 113))

#view knowledge body

    group issues
1   Mavs     99
2   Nets    104
3  Kings    119
4 Lakers    113

Now think we wish to transpose the information body in order that the group names are impaired as column names and the issues values are impaired because the mobile values within the knowledge body.

We will significance refer to syntax to take action:


#transpose knowledge body
df %>%
    pivot_wider(names_from = group, values_from = issues)

# A tibble: 1 x 4
   Mavs  Nets Kings Lakers
1    99   104   119    113

The knowledge body has been transposed in order that the group names are impaired as columns and the issues values are impaired as mobile values inside the knowledge body.

Realize that the ensuing knowledge body now accommodates 1 row and four columns.

Alike: An Creation to the pivot_wider() Serve as in R

Spare Assets

Refer to tutorials give an explanation for easy methods to carry out alternative familiar duties the usage of dplyr:

How one can Filter out Rows that Comprise a Sure Yarn The use of dplyr
How one can Calculate Relative Frequencies The use of dplyr
How one can Choose the First Row by means of Team The use of dplyr

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