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How you can Cure: error in FUN(newx[, i], …) : mistaken ‘sort’ (persona) of argument

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One error you could come upon in R is:

Error in sum(x) : mistaken 'sort' (persona) of argument

This mistake happens while you aim to accomplish some mathematical operation (like taking the sum, cruel, depend, and so on.) on a personality vector.

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This instructional stocks learn how to get to the bottom of this mistake in observe.

How you can Reproduce the Error

Think we develop please see information body in R:

#develop information body
df <- information.body(group=c('A', 'A', 'A', 'B', 'B', 'B'),
                 issues=c(10, 12, 15, 20, 26, 25),
                 rebounds=c(7, 8, 8, 14, 10, 12))

#view information body

  group issues rebounds
1    A     10        7
2    A     12        8
3    A     15        8
4    B     20       14
5    B     26       10
6    B     25       12

Now think we aim to calculate the sum of the ‘team’ column:

#aim to calculate sum of values in 'group' column

Error in sum(df$group) : mistaken 'sort' (persona) of argument

We obtain an error for the reason that ‘team’ column is a personality column.

We will ascertain this through the use of the magnificence() serve as:

#view magnificence of 'group' column

[1] "character"

How you can Cure the Error

The best way to get round this mistake is to just importance mathematical operations with numeric vectors.

For instance, shall we importance the sum() serve as to calculate the sum of the values within the ‘points’ column:

#calculate sum of values in 'issues' column

[1] 108

Shall we additionally calculate the sum of the issues values, grouped through group:

#calculate sum of issues, grouped through group
mixture(issues ~ group, df, sum)

  group issues
1    A     37
2    B     71

Shall we even calculate the sum of the issues and rebounds values, grouped through group:

#calculate sum of issues and sum of rebounds, grouped through group
mixture(. ~ group, df, sum)

  group issues rebounds
1    A     37       23
2    B     71       36

Realize that we don’t obtain an error with any of those operations as a result of we’re handiest making an attempt to calculate the sum for numeric variables.

Spare Sources

Refer to tutorials provide an explanation for learn how to cure alternative ordinary mistakes in R:

How you can Cure: the situation has territory > 1 and handiest the primary part might be impaired
How you can Cure: non-numeric argument to binary operator
How you can Cure: lightless(X) should have a good territory
How you can Cure: error in make a choice untouched arguments

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