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Learn how to Reorder Columns in R

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Continuously chances are you’ll wish to reorder columns in a knowledge body in R.

Thankfully that is simple to do the use of the choose() serve as from the dplyr bundle.

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This educational presentations a number of examples of learn how to importance this serve as in follow the use of refer to information body:

#assemble information body
df <- information.body(participant = c('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'),
                 place = c('G', 'F', 'F', 'G', 'G'),
                 features = c(12, 15, 19, 22, 32),
                 rebounds = c(5, 7, 7, 12, 11))

#view information body

  participant place features rebounds
1      a        G     12        5
2      b        F     15        7
3      c        F     19        7
4      d        G     22       12
5      e        G     32       11

Instance 1: Go a Column to the First Place

Refer to code presentations learn how to exit a particular column in a knowledge body to the primary place:

#exit column 'features' to first place
df %>% choose(features, the whole lot())

  features participant place rebounds
1     12      a        G        5
2     15      b        F        7
3     19      c        F        7
4     22      d        G       12
5     32      e        G       11

This code tells dplyr to make a choice the features column first, later come with each and every alternative column upcoming features.

Instance 2: Go a Column to the Terminating Place

Refer to code presentations learn how to exit a particular column in a knowledge body to the endmost place:

#exit column 'features' to endmost place
df %>% choose(-points, features)

  participant place rebounds features
1      a        G        5     12
2      b        F        7     15
3      c        F        7     19
4      d        G       12     22
5      e        G       11     32

This code tells dplyr to make a choice all columns aside from the features column, later to make a choice the features column once more. This has the impact of transferring the features column to the endmost place within the information body.

Instance 3: Reorder More than one Columns

Refer to code presentations learn how to reorder a number of columns directly in a particular series:

#trade all column names to uppercase
df %>% choose(rebounds, place, features, participant)

  rebounds place features participant
1        5        G     12      a
2        7        F     15      b
3        7        F     19      c
4       12        G     22      d
5       11        G     32      e

Instance 4: Reorder Columns Alphabetically

Refer to code presentations learn how to series the columns in alphabetical series:

#series columns alphabetically
df %>% choose(series(colnames(.)))

  participant features place rebounds
1      a     12        G        5
2      b     15        F        7
3      c     19        F        7
4      d     22        G       12
5      e     32        G       11

Instance 5: Opposite Column Form

Refer to code presentations learn how to opposite the column series in a knowledge body:

#opposite column series
df %>% choose(rebounds:participant, the whole lot())

  rebounds features place participant
1        5     12        G      a
2        7     15        F      b
3        7     19        F      c
4       12     22        G      d
5       11     32        G      e

Word: You’ll be able to in finding all the documentation for the choose() serve as right here.

Alternative Sources

Refer to tutorials provide an explanation for learn how to carry out alternative regular operations in dplyr:

Learn how to Choose Columns by means of Index The use of dplyr
Learn how to Choose Columns by means of Title The use of dplyr
Learn how to Upload Columns to Knowledge Body The use of dplyr

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