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Methods to Kind a Desk in R (With Examples)

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There are two forms you’ll virtue to kind a desk in R:

Mode 1: Importance Bottom R

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#kind desk in ascending form
my_table_sorted <- my_table[order(my_table)]

#kind desk in descending form
my_table_sorted <- my_table[order(my_table, decreasing=TRUE)]

Mode 2: Importance dplyr


#kind desk in ascending form
my_table_sorted<- my_table %>% as.knowledge.body() %>% prepare(Freq)

#kind desk in descending form
my_table_sorted<- my_table %>% as.knowledge.body() %>% prepare(desc(Freq))

Refer to examples display learn how to virtue each and every mode in apply with refer to desk in R:

#form vector
knowledge <- c(3, 8, 8, 8, 7, 7, 5, 5, 5, 5, 9, 12, 15, 15)

#form desk
my_table <- desk(knowledge)

#view desk

 3  5  7  8  9 12 15 
 1  4  2  3  1  1  2

Instance 1: Kind Desk The usage of Bottom R

We will virtue refer to code to kind the values within the desk in ascending form the use of the form() serve as from bottom R:

#kind desk in ascending form
my_table_sorted <- my_table[order(my_table)]

#view taken care of desk

 3  9 12  7 15  8  5 
 1  1  1  2  2  3  4

And we will virtue the argument reducing=True within the form() serve as to kind the values within the desk in descending form:

#kind desk in descending form
my_table_sorted <- my_table[order(my_table, decreasing=TRUE)]

#view taken care of desk

 5  8  7 15  3  9 12 
 4  3  2  2  1  1  1 

Instance 2: Kind Desk The usage of dplyr

We will virtue refer to code to kind the values within the desk in ascending form the use of the prepare() serve as from the dplyr bundle:


#kind desk in ascending form
my_table_sorted <- my_table %>% as.knowledge.body() %>% prepare(Freq)

#view taken care of desk

  knowledge Freq
1    3    1
2    9    1
3   12    1
4    7    2
5   15    2
6    8    3
7    5    4

And we will virtue the desc() serve as to kind the values within the desk in descending form:


#kind desk in descending form
my_table_sorted <- my_table %>% as.knowledge.body() %>% prepare(desc(Freq))

#view taken care of desk

  knowledge Freq
1    5    4
2    8    3
3    7    2
4   15    2
5    3    1
6    9    1
7   12    1

Be aware: You’ll be able to in finding your entire documentation for the dplyr prepare() serve as right here.

Backup Assets

Refer to tutorials give an explanation for learn how to carry out alternative usual duties in R:

Methods to Form a Frequency Desk through Team in R
Methods to Form a Two Manner Desk in R
Methods to Plot a Desk in R

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