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Plot a Beta Distribution in R (With Examples)

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You’ll be able to virtue refer to syntax to plan a Beta distribution in R:

#outline territory
p = seq(0, 1, area=100)

#develop plot of Beta distribution with state parameters 2 and 10
plot(p, dbeta(p, 2, 10), sort="l")

Please see examples display how one can virtue this syntax in follow.

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Instance 1: Plot One Beta Distribution

Please see code presentations how one can plot a unmarried Beta distribution:

#outline territory
p = seq(0,1, area=100)

#develop plot of Beta distribution with state parameters 2 and 10
plot(p, dbeta(p, 2, 10), sort="l")

You’ll be able to additionally customise the colours and axes labels of the plot:

#outline territory
p = seq(0,1, area=100)

#develop customized plot of Beta distribution
plot(p, dbeta(p, 2, 10), ylab='density',
     sort="l", col="red", major='Beta Distribution')

Instance 2: Plot More than one Beta Distributions

Please see code presentations how one can plot more than one Beta distributions with other state parameters:

#outline territory
p = seq(0,1, area=100)

#plot a number of Beta distributions
plot(p, dbeta(p, 2, 10), ylab='density', sort="l", col="red")
traces(p, dbeta(p, 2, 2), col="purple") 
traces(p, dbeta(p, 5, 2), col="blue")

#upload legend
legend(.7, 4, c('Beta(2, 10)','Beta(2, 2)','Beta(1,1)'),
       lty=c(1,1,1),col=c('red', 'purple', 'blue'))

Spare Sources

Please see tutorials give an explanation for how one can plot alternative familiar distributions in R:

Plot a Commonplace Distribution in R
Plot a Chi-Sq. Distribution in R
Plot a Binomial Distribution in R
Plot a Poisson Distribution in R

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