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R: Find out how to Importance If Observation with More than one Situations

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You’ll importance please see modes to assemble a pristine column in R the use of an IF observation with more than one statuses:

Mode 1: If Observation with More than one Situations The usage of OR

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df$new_var <- ifelse(df$var1>15 | df$var2>8, "value1", "value2")

Mode 2: If Observation with More than one Situations The usage of AND

df$new_var <- ifelse(df$var1>15 & df$var2>8, "value1", "value2") 

Please see examples display the best way to importance each and every form in apply with please see information body:

#assemble information body
df <- information.body(group=c('A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'B', 'B', 'B', 'B'),
                 issues=c(8, 8, 10, 13, 17, 19, 22, 25),
                 assists=c(5, 10, 9, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12))

#view information body

  group issues assists
1    A      8       5
2    A      8      10
3    A     10       9
4    A     13       6
5    B     17       8
6    B     19      10
7    B     22      11
8    B     25      12

Instance 1: If Observation with More than one Situations The usage of OR

Please see code presentations the best way to assemble a pristine column known as score that assigns a price of “good” if the issues column is bigger than 15 or the assists column is bigger than 8.

Differently it assigns a price of “bad”:

#assemble pristine "rating" column the use of if observation with more than one statuses
df$score <- ifelse(df$issues>15 | df$assists>8, "excellent", "sinful")

#view up to date information body

  group issues assists score
1    A      8       5    sinful
2    A      8      10   excellent
3    A     10       9   excellent
4    A     13       6    sinful
5    B     17       8   excellent
6    B     19      10   excellent
7    B     22      11   excellent
8    B     25      12   excellent

Each and every participant receives a price of “good” or “bad” within the newly created score column.

Observe that the | operator is impaired as an “or” observation in R.

Instance 2: If Observation with More than one Situations The usage of AND

Please see code presentations the best way to assemble a pristine column known as score that assigns a price of “good” if the issues column is bigger than 15 and the assists column is bigger than 8.

Differently it assigns a price of “bad”:

#assemble pristine "rating" column the use of if observation with more than one statuses
df$score <- ifelse(df$issues>15 & df$assists>8, "excellent", "sinful")

#view up to date information body

  group issues assists score
1    A      8       5    sinful
2    A      8      10    sinful
3    A     10       9    sinful
4    A     13       6    sinful
5    B     17       8    sinful
6    B     19      10   excellent
7    B     22      11   excellent
8    B     25      12   excellent

Each and every participant receives a price of “good” or “bad” within the newly created score column.

Observe that the & operator is impaired as an “and” observation in R.

Backup Assets

Please see tutorials give an explanation for the best way to carry out alternative regular operations in R:

Find out how to Scribble a Nested If Else Observation in R
Find out how to Scribble a Nested For Loop in R

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