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R: How one can To find Earliest Time in a Column

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You’ll be able to utility please see modes to search out the earliest pace in a column of a knowledge body in R:

Form 1: To find Earliest Time in Column

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Form 2: To find Row with Earliest Time in Column

df[which.min(df$date), ]

Please see examples presentations the right way to utility this syntax in follow with please see information body:

#assemble information body
df <- information.body(pace=as.Time(c('2022-04-01','2022-02-12','2022-06-13','2022-02-04',
                 gross sales = c(12, 15, 24, 24, 14, 19, 12, 38))

#view information body

        pace gross sales
1 2022-04-01    12
2 2022-02-12    15
3 2022-06-13    24
4 2022-02-04    24
5 2022-07-01    14
6 2022-02-19    19
7 2022-12-03    12
8 2022-04-04    38

Instance 1: To find Earliest Time in Column

We will utility please see code to search out the earliest pace within the pace column of the information body:

#in finding earliest pace in 'pace' column

[1] "2022-02-04"

From the output we will see that the earliest pace within the pace column is two/4/2022.

Word: If you wish to in finding the newest pace, merely exchange min to max within the code.

Instance 2: To find Row with Earliest Time in Column

We will utility please see code to search out the row with the earliest pace within the pace column of the information body:

#in finding row with earliest pace in 'pace' column
df[which.min(df$date), ]

        pace gross sales
4 2022-02-04    24

The output shows all the row that comprises the earliest pace within the pace column.

As an example, we will see please see values on this row:

  • pace: 2022-02-04
  • gross sales: 24

Word: If you wish to in finding the row with the newest pace, merely exchange which.min() to which.max() within the code.

Backup Assets

Please see tutorials give an explanation for the right way to carry out alternative habitual operations in R:

How one can Generate a Order of Dates in R
How one can Convert Threads to Dates in R
How one can Calculate Choice of Months Between Dates in R

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