data, graphs, analytics

R: Manufacture Pristine Information Body from Current Information Body

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There are two regular tactics to assemble a brandnew information body from an present information body in R:

Mode 1: Make a selection Column Names from Current Information Body

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new_df <- df[c('var1', 'var3', 'var4')]

Mode 2: Make a selection & Rename Column Names from Current Information Body

new_df <- information.body('new_var1' = df$var1, 
                     'new_var2' = df$var2, 
                     'new_var3' = df$var3)

Please see examples display the best way to significance every mode with please see information body in R:

#assemble information body
df <- information.body(group=c('A', 'A', 'A', 'B', 'B', 'B'),
                 issues=c(19, 14, 14, 29, 25, 30),
                 assists=c(4, 5, 5, 4, 12, 10),
                 rebounds=c(9, 7, 7, 6, 10, 11))

#view information body

  group issues assists rebounds
1    A     19       4        9
2    A     14       5        7
3    A     14       5        7
4    B     29       4        6
5    B     25      12       10
6    B     30      10       11

Instance 1: Make a selection Column Names from Current Information Body

Please see code presentations the best way to assemble a brandnew information body by way of deciding on a number of column names from an present information body:

#outline brandnew information body
new_df <- df[c('team', 'assists', 'points')]

#view brandnew information body

  group assists issues
1    A       4     19
2    A       5     14
3    A       5     14
4    B       4     29
5    B      12     25
6    B      10     30

The brandnew information body comprises 3 columns (group, assists, issues) from the present information body.

Instance 2: Make a selection & Rename Column Names from Current Information Body

Please see code presentations the best way to assemble a brandnew information body by way of deciding on and renaming a number of columns from an present information body:

#outline brandnew information body
new_df <- information.body('team_name' = df$group, 
                     'total_assists' = df$assists, 
                     'total_points' = df$issues)

#view brandnew information body

  team_name total_assists total_points
1         A             4           19
2         A             5           14
3         A             5           14
4         B             4           29
5         B            12           25
6         B            10           30

The brandnew information body comprises 3 columns (group, assists, issues) from the present information body, however now we have specified brandnew names for every of the columns within the brandnew information body.

This way is especially helpful if you recognize forward of past that you need to rename the columns within the brandnew information body.

Backup Assets

Please see tutorials provide an explanation for the best way to carry out alternative regular duties in R:

How you can Append Rows to a Information Body in R
How you can Reserve Sure Columns in R
How you can Make a selection Best Numeric Columns in R

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