R: The right way to Usefulness pivot_longer() on All Columns

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The pivot_longer() serve as from the tidyr bundle in R will also be worn to pivot a knowledge body from a large structure to an extended structure.

In case you’d love to significance this serve as to pivot all the columns within the knowledge body into an extended structure, you’ll be able to significance refer to syntax:

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df_long <- pivot_longer(df, cols = the whole lot())

Notice that the cols argument specifies which columns to pivot and the whole lot() specifies that we wish to pivot each column.

Please see instance presentations learn how to significance this serve as in apply.

Indistinguishable: Lengthy vs. Vast Information: What’s the Remaining?

Instance: Usefulness pivot_longer() on All Columns in R

Assume we now have refer to knowledge body in R that presentations the choice of issues scored through numerous basketball gamers all through 3 other video games:

#develop knowledge body
df <- knowledge.body(game1=c(20, 30, 33, 19, 22, 24),
                 game2=c(12, 15, 19, 19, 20, 14),
                 game3=c(22, 29, 18, 12, 10, 11))

#view knowledge body

  game1 game2 game3
1    20    12    22
2    30    15    29
3    33    19    18
4    19    19    12
5    22    20    10
6    24    14    11

The information body is lately in a large structure.

Alternatively, think we’d love to pivot the information body to an extended structure through pivoting all 3 columns.

We will significance refer to syntax to take action:


#pivot all columns into lengthy knowledge body
df_long <- pivot_longer(df, cols = the whole lot())

#view lengthy knowledge body

# A tibble: 18 x 2
   identify  price
 1 game1    20
 2 game2    12
 3 game3    22
 4 game1    30
 5 game2    15
 6 game3    29
 7 game1    33
 8 game2    19
 9 game3    18
10 game1    19
11 game2    19
12 game3    12
13 game1    22
14 game2    20
15 game3    10
16 game1    24
17 game2    14
18 game3    11

Realize that the column names game1, game2 and game3 are actually worn as values in a pristine column referred to as “name” and the values from those unedited columns are positioned into one pristine column referred to as “value.”

The overall result’s an extended knowledge body.

Notice: You’ll be able to in finding all the documentation for the pivot_longer() serve as right here.

Alternative Assets

Please see tutorials provide an explanation for learn how to significance alternative ordinary purposes within the tidyr bundle in R:

The right way to Usefulness pivot_wider() in R
The right way to Usefulness Unfold Serve as in R
The right way to Usefulness Store Serve as in R
The right way to Usefulness Distant Serve as in R
The right way to Usefulness the Unite Serve as in R

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