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selection of pieces to switch isn’t a more than one of substitute field

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One error it’s possible you’ll come upon in R is:

Threat message:
  selection of pieces to switch isn't a more than one of substitute field

This mistake happens whilst you try to switch a undeniable selection of pieces in a vector or knowledge body column (assume 3 pieces) with a special selection of pieces (assume 6 pieces).

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This educational stocks precisely methods to healing this mistake.

Tips on how to Reproduce the Error

Assume we now have please see knowledge body in R with some lacking values within the first column:

#build knowledge body
df <- knowledge.body(a=c(3, NA, 7, NA, NA, 14),
                 b=c(4, 4, 5, 12, 13, 18))

#view knowledge body

   a  b
1  3  4
2 NA  4
3  7  5
4 NA 12
5 NA 13
6 14 18

Now assume we effort to switch the lacking values within the first column with values in the second one column:

#try to switch lacking values in first column with values in 2d column
df$a[$a)] <- df$b

Threat message:
In df$a[$a)] <- df$b :
  selection of pieces to switch isn't a more than one of substitute field

We obtain an error as a result of we tried to switch 3 lacking values within the first column with all 6 values from the second one column.

Tips on how to Healing the Error

One of the simplest ways to healing this mistake is to easily significance an ifelse() remark:

#exchange lacking values in column 'a' with corresponding values in column 'b'
df$a <- ifelse($a), df$b, df$a)

#view up to date knowledge body

   a  b
1  3  4
2  4  4
3  7  5
4 12 12
5 13 13
6 14 18 

This ifelse() remark tests if the worth in column ‘a’ is blank. Whether it is, after it will get changed by means of the corresponding worth in column ‘b’, in a different way it’s left unloved.

Differently to healing this mistake is to easily exchange all lacking values with a particular quantity:

#exchange all lacking values in column 'a' with 0
df$a[$a)] <- 0

#view up to date knowledge body

   a  b
1  3  4
2  0  4
3  7  5
4  0 12
5  0 13
6 14 18

The usage of this form, every lacking worth in column ‘a’ will get changed with a nil.

Alternative Assets

Tips on how to Healing in R: NAs Presented by means of Coercion
Tips on how to Healing in R: Subscript out of bounds
Tips on how to Healing in R: longer object field isn’t a more than one of shorter object field

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