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The best way to Save and Load RDA Information in R (With Examples)

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Information that finish with an .rda extension constitute Rdata recordsdata.

You’ll virtue the save() serve as to save lots of all these recordsdata in R:

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save(df, report="my_data.rda")

And you’ll be able to virtue the load() serve as to load all these recordsdata in R:


Please see instance displays virtue each and every of those purposes in follow.

Instance: Save and Load RDA Information in R

Assume we manufacture please see knowledge body in R:

#build this case reproducible

#manufacture knowledge body
df <- knowledge.body(x=rnorm(100),

#view knowledge body

           x          y          z
1  1.2629543  0.7818592 -1.0457177
2 -0.3262334 -0.7767766 -0.8962113
3  1.3297993 -0.6159899  1.2693872
4  1.2724293  0.0465803  0.5938409
5  0.4146414 -1.1303858  0.7756343
6 -1.5399500  0.5767188  1.5573704

We will virtue the save() serve as to save lots of this information body to an .rda report:

This report will mechanically be stored within the stream operating listing. You’ll to find the operating listing by way of the use of the getwd() serve as:

#show operating listing


Now think we virtue the rm() serve as to take away the knowledge body from the stream R condition:

#take away knowledge body from stream R condition

If we take a look at our stream condition in RStudio, we’ll see that it doesn’t include any items:

We will upcoming virtue the load() serve as to load the .rda report into the stream R condition:


If we take a look at the stream condition once more in RStudio, we’ll see that it now comprises the knowledge body:

Spare Sources

Please see tutorials provide an explanation for learn alternative varieties of recordsdata in R:

The best way to Import CSV Information into R
The best way to Import Excel Information into R
The best way to Import TSV Information into R

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