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The best way to Stack Information Body Columns in R

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Ceaselessly chances are you’ll need to stack two or extra information body columns into one column in R.

As an example, chances are you’ll need to move from this:

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  individual trial outcome1 outcome2
     A     1        7        4
     A     2        6        4
     B     1        6        5
     B     2        5        5
     C     1        4        3
     C     2        4        2

To this:

   individual trial results  price
      A     1   outcome1     7
      A     2   outcome1     6
      B     1   outcome1     6
      B     2   outcome1     5
      C     1   outcome1     4
      C     2   outcome1     4
      A     1   outcome2     4
      A     2   outcome2     4
      B     1   outcome2     5
      B     2   outcome2     5
      C     1   outcome2     3
      C     2   outcome2     2

This instructional explains two modes you’ll be able to significance in R to try this.

Form 1: Utility the Stack Serve as in Bottom R

Refer to code presentations the right way to stack columns the use of the stack serve as in bottom R:

#manufacture unedited information body
information <- information.body(individual=c('A', 'A', 'B', 'B', 'C', 'C'),
                   trial=c(1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2),
                   outcome1=c(7, 6, 6, 5, 4, 4),
                   outcome2=c(4, 4, 5, 5, 3, 2))

#stack the 3rd and fourth columns
cbind(information[1:2], stack(information[3:4]))

   individual trial values      ind
1       A     1      7 outcome1
2       A     2      6 outcome1
3       B     1      6 outcome1
4       B     2      5 outcome1
5       C     1      4 outcome1
6       C     2      4 outcome1
7       A     1      4 outcome2
8       A     2      4 outcome2
9       B     1      5 outcome2
10      B     2      5 outcome2
11      C     1      3 outcome2
12      C     2      2 outcome2

Form 2: Utility the Soften Serve as from Reshape2

Refer to code presentations the right way to stack columns the use of the soften serve as from the reshape2 library:

#load library

#manufacture unedited information body
information <- information.body(individual=c('A', 'A', 'B', 'B', 'C', 'C'),
                   trial=c(1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2),
                   outcome1=c(7, 6, 6, 5, 4, 4),
                   outcome2=c(4, 4, 5, 5, 3, 2))

#soften columns of information body
soften(information, identification.var = c('individual', 'trial'), variable.identify="results")

   individual trial results price
1       A     1 outcome1     7
2       A     2 outcome1     6
3       B     1 outcome1     6
4       B     2 outcome1     5
5       C     1 outcome1     4
6       C     2 outcome1     4
7       A     1 outcome2     4
8       A     2 outcome2     4
9       B     1 outcome2     5
10      B     2 outcome2     5
11      C     1 outcome2     3
12      C     2 outcome2     2

You’ll in finding your entire documentation for the soften serve as right here.

Spare Assets

The best way to Transfer Two Columns in R
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