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The way to Catch integer(0) in R (With Examples)

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Now and again while you worth the which() serve as in R, chances are you’ll finally end up with integer(0) because of this, which signifies that not one of the components in a vector evaluated to TRUE.

As an example, think we worth please see code to test which components in a vector are equivalent to the worth 10:

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#outline vector of values
knowledge <- c(1, 2, 4, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9)

#to find components in vector equivalent to ten
x <- which(knowledge == 10)

#view effects


Since not one of the components within the vector are equivalent to ten, the result’s an integer of range 0, written as integer(0) in R.

It’s remarkable to notice that an integer(0) isn’t an error, however occasionally chances are you’ll simply need to pay attention to when it happens.

Please see examples display find out how to catch an integer(0) in R.

Instance 1: Catch integer(0) in R The usage of equivalent() Serve as

The best way to catch an integer(0) in R is to worth the equivalent() serve as in please see means:

#outline vector of values
knowledge <- c(1, 2, 4, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9)

#to find components in vector equivalent to ten
x <- which(knowledge == 10)

#check if x is similar to integer(0)
equivalent(x, integer(0))

[1] TRUE

Since our end result is the same as integer(0), R returns TRUE.

This we could us know that the results of the which() serve as is an integer of range 0.

Instance 2: Catch integer(0) in R The usage of if else Serve as

In a different way to catch an integer(0) is to outline an if else serve as that returns one thing explicit if an integer(0) happens.

As an example, lets outline please see serve as to go back the word “It is an integer(0)” if an integer(0) happens:

#outline serve as to catch integer(0)
integer0_test <- serve as(knowledge) {
  if(equivalent(knowledge, integer(0))) {
    go back('It's an integer(0)')

  else {
    go back(knowledge)


We will be able to after worth this serve as:

#outline vector of values
knowledge <- c(1, 2, 4, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9)

#to find components in vector equivalent to ten
x <- which(knowledge == 10)

#worth serve as to check if x is integer(0)

[1] "It is an integer(0)"

Since x is certainly an integer(0), our serve as returns the word that we specified.

And if x isn’t an integer(0), our serve as will merely go back the results of the which() serve as:

#outline vector of values
knowledge <- c(1, 2, 4, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9)

#to find components in vector equivalent to 4
x <- which(knowledge == 4)

#worth serve as to check if x is integer(0)

[1] 3 4

Our serve as returns 3 and 4 as a result of those are the positions of the weather within the vector which are equivalent to the worth 4.

Alternative Sources

Please see tutorials give an explanation for find out how to carry out alternative regular duties in R:

The way to Scribble Your First tryCatch() Serve as in R
The way to Manufacture a Nested For Loop in R
The way to Go back Worth from Serve as in R

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