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The way to Make a selection All However One Column in R (With Examples)

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You’ll be able to virtue refer to modes to make a choice all however one column in an information body in R:

Mode 1: Make a selection All However One Column by way of Place

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#make a choice all however the 3rd column
df[, -3]

Mode 2: Make a selection All However One Column by way of Title

#make a choice all however column named 'this_column'
df[, colnames(df)[colnames(df) != 'this_column']] 

Please see examples display easy methods to virtue every form in apply with refer to knowledge body in R:

#assemble knowledge body
df <- knowledge.body(group=c('A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'),
                 issues=c(99, 90, 86, 88, 95),
                 assists=c(33, 28, 31, 39, 34),
                 rebounds=c(30, 28, 24, 24, 28))

#view knowledge body

  group issues assists rebounds
1    A     99      33       30
2    B     90      28       28
3    C     86      31       24
4    D     88      39       24
5    E     95      34       28

Instance 1: Make a selection All However One Column by way of Place

Please see code presentations how to make a choice all however the column within the 3rd place of the knowledge body:

#make a choice all however the 3rd column
df[, -3]

  group issues rebounds
1    A     99       30
2    B     90       28
3    C     86       24
4    D     88       24
5    E     95       28

Understand that the entire columns except for the only within the 3rd place of the knowledge body were decided on.

Instance 2: Make a selection All However One Column by way of Title

Please see code presentations how to make a choice all however the column with the identify ‘assists’ within the knowledge body:

#make a choice all columns except for the column with the identify 'assists'
df[, colnames(df)[colnames(df) != 'assists']]

  group issues rebounds
1    A     99       30
2    B     90       28
3    C     86       24
4    D     88       24
5    E     95       28

Understand that the entire columns except for the only with the identify ‘assists’ were decided on.

Alternative Sources

Please see tutorials provide an explanation for easy methods to carry out alternative usual duties in R:

The way to Upload Column to Information Body In accordance with Alternative Columns in R
The way to Type by way of A couple of Columns in R
The way to Reorder Columns in R

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