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The way to Recode Values The use of dplyr

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Sometimes you will be fascinated with recoding sure values in a dataframe in R. Thankfully this may simply be achieved the use of the recode() serve as from the dplyr bundle.

This educational presentations a number of examples of how one can worth this serve as in observe.

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Instance 1: Recode a Unmarried Column in a Dataframe

Refer to code presentations how one can recode a unmarried column in a dataframe:


#develop dataframe 
df <- information.body(participant = c('A', 'B', 'C', 'D'),
                 issues = c(24, 29, 13, 15),
                 outcome = c('Win', 'Loss', 'Win', 'Loss'))

#view dataframe 

#alternate 'Win' and 'Loss' to '1' and '0'
df %>% mutate(outcome=recode(outcome, 'Win'='1', 'Loss'='0'))

       participant issues outcome
1      A     24      1
2      B     29      0
3      C     13      1
4      D     15      0

Instance 2: Recode a Unmarried Column in a Dataframe and Handover NA Values

Refer to code presentations how one can recode a unmarried column in a dataframe and provides a worth of NA to any price that isn’t explicitly given a fresh price:


#develop dataframe 
df <- information.body(participant = c('A', 'B', 'C', 'D'),
                 issues = c(24, 29, 13, 15),
                 outcome = c('Win', 'Loss', 'Win', 'Loss'))

#view dataframe 

#alternate 'Win' to '1' and provides all alternative values a worth of NA
df %>% mutate(outcome=recode(outcome, 'Win'='1', .default=NA_character_))

       participant issues outcome
1      A     24      1
2      B     29      <NA>
3      C     13      1
4      D     15      <NA>

Instance 3: Recode More than one Columns in a Dataframe

Refer to code presentations how one can recode more than one columns directly in a dataframe:


#develop dataframe 
df <- information.body(participant = c('A', 'B', 'C', 'D'),
                 issues = c(24, 29, 13, 15),
                 outcome = c('Win', 'Loss', 'Win', 'Loss'))

#recode 'participant' and 'outcome' columns
df %>% mutate(participant=recode(participant, 'A'='Z'),
              outcome=recode(outcome, 'Win'='1', 'Loss'='0'))

       participant issues outcome
1      Z     24      1
2      B     29      0
3      C     13      1
4      D     15      0

You’ll in finding your complete documentation for the recode() serve as right here.

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