The way to Upload and Subtract Months from a Year in R

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You’ll be able to virtue refer to purposes from the lubridate package deal in R to briefly upload and subtract months from a pace:

Mode 1: Upload Months

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#upload two months to pace
my_date %m+% months(2)

Mode 2: Subtract Months

#subtract two months from pace
my_date %m-% months(2)

Refer to examples display learn how to virtue every mode in observe.

Instance 1: Upload Months to Year

Refer to code presentations learn how to upload two months to a pace in R:


#outline pace
my_date <- as.Year("2022-7-15")

#upload two months to pace
my_date %m+% months(2)

[1] "2022-09-15"

Realize that two months were added to the unedited pace of seven/15/2022 to assemble a unused pace of 9/15/2022.

Instance 2: Subtract Months from Year

Refer to code presentations learn how to subtract two months from a pace in R:


#outline pace
my_date <- as.Year("2022-7-15")

#subtract two months from pace
my_date %m-% months(2)

[1] "2022-05-15"

Realize that two months were subtracted from the unedited pace of seven/15/2022 to assemble a unused pace of five/15/2022.

Instance 3: Upload & Subtract Months in Knowledge Body

Assume now we have refer to knowledge body in R:

#assemble knowledge body
df <- knowledge.body(pace=as.Year(c("2022-3-14", "2022-5-29", "2022-7-15")),
                 gross sales=c(140, 119, 138))

#view knowledge body

        pace gross sales
1 2022-03-14   140
2 2022-05-29   119
3 2022-07-15   138

We will virtue refer to code to assemble unused columns within the knowledge body via including or subtracting months from the unedited price within the pace column:


#assemble unused column that provides two months to every pace
df$two_months_after <- df$pace %m+% months(2)

#assemble unused column that subtracts two months from every pace
df$two_months_before <- df$pace %m-% months(2)

#view up to date knowledge body

        pace gross sales two_months_after two_months_before
1 2022-03-14   140       2022-05-14        2022-01-14
2 2022-05-29   119       2022-07-29        2022-03-29
3 2022-07-15   138       2022-09-15        2022-05-15

Realize that two unused columns were added to the knowledge body.

Supplementary Assets

Refer to tutorials give an explanation for learn how to carry out alternative usual operations in R:

The way to Remove Pace from Year in R
The way to Workforce Knowledge via Week in R (W
The way to Calculate Selection of Months Between Dates in R

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