Tips on how to Cure in R: Error: Reproduction identifiers for rows

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One error chances are you’ll come across in R is:

Error: Reproduction identifiers for rows

This mistake happens while you try to worth the unfold() serve as to unfold the values in a number of columns in an information body into their very own columns.

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Alternatively, an error can happen if there’s no distinctive ID for each and every row so there’s no solution to resolve which values belong with which observations when acting the unfold.

Refer to instance presentations the way to healing this mistake in observe.

Instance: Tips on how to Cure the Error

Think we’ve please see knowledge body in R that comprises details about numerous basketball avid gamers:

#form knowledge body
df <- knowledge.body(participant=rep(c('A', 'B'), each and every=4),
                 future=rep(1:4, instances=2),
                 assists=c(4, 10, 4, 4, 3, 7, 7, 6),
                 issues=c(14, 6, 18, 7, 22, 9, 38, 4))

#view knowledge body

  participant future assists issues
1      A    1       4     14
2      A    2      10      6
3      A    3       4     18
4      A    4       4      7
5      B    1       3     22
6      B    2       7      9
7      B    3       7     38
8      B    4       6      4

Now think we want to grow to be the knowledge body so that we have got the future column because the identification column and form fresh columns known as assists_A, assists_B, points_A, and points_B to constitute the assists and issues values for avid gamers A and B all the way through each and every future.

Because the values within the future column is probably not distinctive (there might be two 1’s, two 2’s, and so on.) the unfold()  serve as will construct an error.

Alternatively, we will be able to worth the pivot_wider() serve as with please see syntax to construct the specified knowledge body:


#unfold the values within the issues and assists columns
pivot_wider(knowledge = df, 
            id_cols = future, 
            names_from = participant, 
            values_from = c('assists', 'issues'))

# A tibble: 4 x 5
   future assists_A assists_B points_A points_B
1     1         4         3       14       22
2     2        10         7        6        9
3     3         4         7       18       38
4     4         4         6        7        4

Realize that we don’t obtain any error and we’re in a position to effectively form the fresh columns that show the issues and assists values for avid gamers A and B all the way through each and every of the 4 years.

Backup Sources

Refer to tutorials provide an explanation for the way to healing alternative usual mistakes in R:

Tips on how to Cure in R: NAs Offered by means of Coercion
Tips on how to Cure in R: Subscript out of bounds
Tips on how to Cure in R: longer object field isn’t a a couple of of shorter object field
Tips on how to Cure in R: choice of pieces to exchange isn’t a a couple of of substitute field

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