
SAS: Learn how to Significance CONTAINS in PROC SQL

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You’ll be able to virtue the CONTAINS operator within the PROC SQL observation in SAS to simply go back rows the place a variable in a dataset comprises some wool trend.

Please see examples display learn how to virtue the CONTAINS operator in follow with refer to dataset in SAS that comprises details about diverse basketball avid gamers:

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/*manufacture dataset*/
knowledge my_data;
    enter workforce $ issues;
Cavs 12
Cavs 14
Warriors 15
Hawks 18
Mavs 31
Mavs 32
Mavs 35
Celtics 36
Celtics 40

/*view dataset*/
proc print knowledge=my_data;

Instance 1: Make a selection Rows the place Variable Incorporates One Trend

We will virtue the CONTAINS operator in PROC SQL to choose handiest the rows the place the workforce comprises the trend ‘avs’ someplace within the identify:

/*make a selection all rows the place workforce comprises 'avs'*/ 
proc sql;
   make a selection *
   from my_data
   the place workforce comprises 'avs';

Realize that handiest the rows the place the workforce comprises ‘avs’ someplace within the identify are returned.

Instance 2: Make a selection Rows the place Variable Incorporates One among A number of Patterns

We will virtue the CONTAINS operator in PROC SQL to choose handiest the rows the place the workforce comprises the trend ‘avs’ or the trend ‘ics’ someplace within the identify:

/*make a selection all rows the place workforce comprises 'avs' or 'ics'*/ 
proc sql;
   make a selection *
   from my_data
   the place workforce comprises 'avs' or workforce comprises 'ics';

Handiest the rows the place the workforce comprises ‘avs’ or ‘ics’ someplace within the identify are returned.

Instance 3: Make a selection Rows the place Variable Does No longer Comprise Trend

The other of the CONTAINS operator in PROC SQL is NOT CONTAINS, which selects rows the place some variable in a dataset does now not include a definite wool trend.

Please see code presentations learn how to virtue the NOT CONTAINS  operator to choose all rows the place the workforce does now not include ‘avs’ within the identify:

/*make a selection all rows the place workforce does now not include 'avs'*/
proc sql;
   make a selection *
   from my_data
   the place workforce now not comprises 'avs';

Realize that handiest the rows the place the workforce does now not include ‘avs’ someplace within the identify are returned.

Extra Sources

Please see tutorials give an explanation for learn how to carry out alternative regular duties in SAS:

SAS: Learn how to Significance UNION in PROC SQL
SAS: Learn how to Significance EXCEPT in PROC SQL
SAS: Learn how to Significance the IN Operator in PROC SQL
SAS: Learn how to Significance the WHERE Operator in PROC SQL

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