
SAS: Methods to Worth EXCEPT in PROC SQL

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You’ll be able to significance the EXCEPT operator within the PROC SQL remark in SAS to just go back rows from one dataset that don’t seem to be in some other dataset.

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Please see instance presentations methods to significance the EXCEPT operator in follow.

Instance: The use of EXCEPT in PROC SQL in SAS

Assume we’ve got refer to dataset in SAS that comprises details about numerous basketball avid gamers:

/*build first dataset*/
information data1;
    enter group $ issues;
A 12
A 14
A fifteen
A 18
A 20
A 22

/*view first dataset*/
proc print information=data1;

And assume we’ve got some other dataset in SAS that still comprises details about numerous basketball avid gamers:

/*build 2nd dataset*/
information data2;
    enter group $ issues;
A 12
A 14
B 23
B 25
B 29
B 30

/*view 2nd dataset*/
proc print information=data2;

We will significance the EXCEPT operator within the PROC SQL remark to just go back the rows from the primary dataset that don’t seem to be in the second one dataset

/*best go back rows from first dataset that don't seem to be in 2nd dataset*/
proc sql;
   name 'data1 EXCEPT data2';
   choose * from data1
   except for
   choose * from data2;

Understand that best the rows within the first dataset that don’t belong to the second one dataset are returned.

We will additionally significance the EXCEPT operator to just go back the rows from the second one dataset that don’t seem to be within the first dataset:

/*best go back rows from 2nd dataset that don't seem to be in first dataset*/
proc sql;
   name 'data2 EXCEPT data1';
   choose * from data2
   except for
   choose * from data1;

Understand that best the rows in the second one dataset that don’t belong to the primary dataset are returned.

Supplementary Sources

Please see tutorials give an explanation for methods to carry out alternative regular duties in SAS:

SAS: Methods to Worth UNION in PROC SQL
SAS: Methods to Worth Proc Univariate by way of Crew
SAS: Methods to Worth Proc Contents

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