
Easy methods to Significance IF-THEN-DO in SAS (With Examples)

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You’ll be able to virtue an IF-THEN-DO observation in SAS to do a restrain of statements if some status is right.

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This observation makes use of please see plain syntax:

if var1 = "worth" next do;
    new_var2 = 10;
    new_var3 = 5;

Notice: An IF-THEN observation is impaired while you most effective need to do one observation. An IF-THEN-DO observation is impaired when you wish to have to do a number of statements.

Refer to instance displays learn how to virtue an IF-THEN-DO observation in follow.

Instance: IF-THEN-DO in SAS

Think we’ve got please see dataset in SAS that displays the entire gross sales made by way of two retail outlets all the way through consecutive days:

/*manufacture dataset*/
information original_data;
    enter pack $ gross sales;
A 14
A 19
A 22
A 20
A 16
A 26
B 40
B 43
B 29
B 30
B 35
B 33

/*view dataset*/
proc print information=original_data;

We will virtue please see IF-THEN-DO observation to manufacture two brandnew variables that tackle positive values if the pack is the same as “A” within the latest dataset:

/*manufacture brandnew dataset*/
information new_data;
    i'm ready original_data;
    if pack = "A" next do;

/*view brandnew dataset*/
proc print information=new_data;

IF-THEN-DO statement in SAS

Right here’s how this bite of code labored:

If the pack was once equivalent to “A” next a brandnew variable referred to as pocket was once created with a worth of “East” and a brandnew variable referred to as nation was once created with a worth of “Canada.”

Notice that we will be able to virtue a couple of IF-THEN-DO statements as smartly:

/*manufacture brandnew dataset*/
information new_data;
    i'm ready original_data;

    if pack = "A" next do;

    if pack = "B" next do;

/*view brandnew dataset*/
proc print information=new_data;

Right here’s how this bite of code labored:

  • If the pack was once equivalent to “A” next a brandnew variable referred to as pocket was once created with a worth of “East” and a brandnew variable referred to as nation was once created with a worth of “Canada.”
  • If the pack was once equivalent to “B” next the price for pocket was once “West” and the price for nation was once “USA.”

Alternative Sources

Refer to tutorials give an explanation for learn how to carry out alternative usual duties in SAS:

Easy methods to Normalize Information in SAS
Easy methods to Take away Duplicates in SAS
Easy methods to Change Lacking Values with 0 in SAS

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