
Easy methods to Significance the %LET Observation in SAS (With Examples)

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You’ll virtue the %LET commentary in SAS to assemble macro variables that may pack values that you’ll later virtue nearest on on your program.

Please see examples display two regular techniques to virtue the %LET commentary in apply.

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Instance 1: Significance %LET Observation to Collect Numeric Price in SAS

Think we’ve got please see dataset in SAS that comprises details about numerous basketball avid gamers:

/*assemble dataset*/
information my_data;
enter crew $ issues;
A 22
A 14
A 23
B 30
B 18
B 20
C 13
C 12
C 26

/*view dataset*/
proc print information=my_data;

We will be able to virtue the %LET commentary to assemble a macro variable known as points_cutoff that has a worth of 20.

We will be able to later reference this variable nearest on through the usage of an ampersand ( & ) in entrance of it to assemble a unused dataset that comprises a unused column indicating if every participant scored greater than 20 issues or now not:

/*assign worth of 20 to macro variable*/
%let points_cutoff = 20;

/*virtue macro variable to assemble unused column known as good_player*/
information new_data;
 all set my_data;
 good_player = issues > &points_cutoff;

/*view unused dataset*/
proc print information=new_data;

Understand that the unused column known as good_player comprises a worth of 1 if the price within the issues column is bigger than 20 or a worth of 0 if the price within the issues column isn’t more than 20.

Instance 2: Significance %LET Observation to Collect Yarn Price in SAS

We will be able to additionally virtue the %LET commentary in SAS to assemble a macro variable that shops a fibre worth.

Please see code presentations easy methods to virtue the %LET commentary to assemble a variable known as table_title that comprises a worth of “Basketball Data” which we will later reference nearest directly to print a name for the dataset:

/*assemble dataset*/
information my_data;
enter crew $ issues;
A 22
A 14
A 23
B 30
B 18
B 20
C 13
C 12
C 26

/*assign fibre to macro variable*/
%let table_title = "Basketball Information";

/*print dataset with name*/
proc print information=my_data;
    name &table_title;

The dataset comprises the name that we specified within the macro variable.

Notice: You’ll to find the entire documentation for the SAS LET commentary right here.

Alternative Assets

Please see tutorials provide an explanation for easy methods to carry out alternative regular duties in SAS:

Easy methods to Significance Proc Abstract in SAS
Easy methods to Significance Proc Tabulate in SAS
Easy methods to Significance Proc Rank in SAS

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