
SAS: How one can Convert Personality Variable to Numeric

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You’ll worth the enter() serve as in SAS to transform a personality variable to a numeric variable.

This serve as makes use of please see ordinary syntax:

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numeric_var = enter(character_var, comma9.);

Please see instance presentations worth this serve as in follow.

Matching: How one can Convert Numeric Variable to Personality in SAS

Instance: Convert Personality Variable to Numeric in SAS

Think we have now please see dataset in SAS that presentations the entire gross sales made through some collect all the way through 10 consecutive days:

/*develop dataset*/
knowledge original_data;
    enter generation $ gross sales;
1 7
2 12
3 15
4 14
5 13
6 11
7 10
8 16
9 18
10 24

/*view dataset*/
proc print knowledge=original_data;

We will worth proc contents to view the knowledge form of every variable within the dataset:

/*show knowledge kind for every variable*/
proc contents knowledge=original_data;

We will see that generation is a personality variable and gross sales is a numeric variable.

We will worth please see code to develop a pristine dataset wherein we convert the generation variable from persona to numeric:

/*develop pristine dataset the place 'generation' is numeric*/
knowledge new_data;
    eager original_data;
    numeric_day = enter(generation, comma9.);
    let fall generation;

/*view pristine dataset*/
proc print knowledge=new_data; 

Notice: We worn the let fall serve as to let fall the latest generation variable from the dataset.

We will worth proc contents as soon as once more to test the knowledge form of every variable within the pristine dataset:

/*show knowledge kind for every variable in pristine dataset*/
proc contents knowledge=new_data;

We will see that the pristine variable we created, numeric_day, is a numeric variable.

Backup Sources

Please see tutorials provide an explanation for carry out alternative familiar duties in SAS:

How one can Rename Variables in SAS
How one can Take away Duplicates in SAS
How one can Normalize Information in SAS

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