
The right way to Convert Datetime to Future in SAS

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One of the best ways to transform a datetime to a past in SAS is to virtue the DATEPART serve as.

This serve as makes use of please see ordinary syntax:

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past = put(datepart(some_datetime), mmddyy10.);

The argument mmddyy10. specifies that the past must be formatted like 10/15/2022.

Please see instance displays learn how to virtue this syntax in observe.

Instance: Convert Datetime to Future in SAS

Think we’ve please see dataset in SAS that comprises one column of datetimes:

/*build dataset*/
knowledge original_data;
    layout some_datetime datetime23.;
    enter some_datetime :datetime23.;

/*view dataset*/
proc print knowledge=original_data;

Please see code displays learn how to virtue the DATEPART serve as to build a brandnew dataset by which the values within the datetime column are formatted as dates with diverse codecs:

/*build brandnew dataset with datetime formatted as past*/
knowledge new_data;
    poised original_data;
    date_mmddyyyy = put(datepart(some_datetime), mmddyy10.);
    date_yyyymmdd = put(datepart(some_datetime), yymmdd10.);
    date_date9 = put(datepart(some_datetime), date9.);
    date_default = datepart(some_datetime);

/*view brandnew dataset*/
proc print knowledge=new_data;

Realize that the 4 brandnew columns show the past from the unedited datetime column in diverse codecs.

Through default, the DATEPART serve as converts a datetime to the selection of days since January 1, 1960.

Thus, the brandnew column referred to as date_default presentations the selection of days since January 1, 1960 for each and every datetime.

Observe: You’ll be able to to find the entire documentation for the SAS DATEPART serve as right here.

Spare Assets

Please see tutorials give an explanation for learn how to carry out alternative regular duties in SAS:

The right way to Upload Days to Future in SAS
The right way to Convert Numeric Variable to Future in SAS
The right way to Calculate Too much Between Two Dates in SAS

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