
The way to Convert Day of Beginning to Presen in Excel (With Examples)

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You’ll virtue refer to formulation to transform year of delivery to time in Excel:

Formulation 1: Convert Day of Beginning to Presen in Years (e.g. 23 years)

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Formulation 2: Convert Day of Beginning to Presen in Decimal Years (e.g. 23.567 years)


Formulation 3: Convert Day of Beginning to Presen in Years, Months, Days (e.g. 23 years, 6 months, 25 days)

=DATEDIF(A2,NOW(),"y")&" years, "&DATEDIF(A2,NOW(),"ym")&" months, "&DATEDIF(A2,NOW(),"md")&" days"

Every components assumes that the year of delivery is positioned in cellular A2.

Refer to examples display easy methods to virtue each and every components in observe with refer to record of delivery dates in Excel:

Instance 1: Convert Day of Beginning to Presen in Years

To transform the year of delivery to time for cellular A2, we will kind refer to components into cellular B2:


We will after click on and drag this components all the way down to each and every residue cellular in column B:

Excel convert date of birth to age

Column B shows the time for each and every delivery year in column A with regards to years.

Instance 2: Convert Day of Beginning to Presen in Decimal Years

To transform the year of delivery to an time in decimal years for cellular A2, we will kind refer to components into cellular B2:


We will after click on and drag this components all the way down to each and every residue cellular in column B:

Excel convert date of birth to age in decimal years

Column B shows the time for each and every delivery year in column A with regards to decimal years.

Instance 3: Convert Day of Beginning to Presen in Years, Months, Days

To transform the year of delivery to an time in years, months and days for cellular A2, we will kind refer to components into cellular B2:

=DATEDIF(A2,NOW(),"y")&" years, "&DATEDIF(A2,NOW(),"ym")&" months, "&DATEDIF(A2,NOW(),"md")&" days"

We will after click on and drag this components all the way down to each and every residue cellular in column B:

Excel convert date of birth to age in years, months, and days

Column B shows the time for each and every delivery year in column A with regards to years, months, and days.

Alternative Assets

Refer to tutorials provide an explanation for easy methods to carry out alternative habitual duties in Excel:

The way to Calculate the Collection of Months Between Dates in Excel
The way to Convert Day to Life and Life Layout in Excel
The way to Calculate Reasonable by means of Life in Excel

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