
Excel: Easy methods to Significance SUMIF From Some other Sheet

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You’ll be able to significance refer to unadorned syntax to significance a SUMIF from every other sheet in Excel:

=SUMIF(Sheet1!B2:B11, ">10")

This actual system takes the sum of values within the length B2:B11 at the sheet titled Sheet1 provided that the values are more than 10.

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Please see examples display methods to significance this syntax in follow.

Instance 1: SUMIF From Some other Sheet

Think we’ve refer to sheet named Sheet1 in Excel that accommodates some information about basketball gamers:

Now think we’d like to modify to Sheet2 and hurry the sum of the issues for the gamers who’ve greater than 10 issues.

We will significance refer to syntax to take action:

=SUMIF(Sheet1!B2:B11, ">10")

Right here’s methods to observe this system in follow:

Excel SUMIF from another sheet

We will see that the sum of the issues values for gamers who scored greater than 10 issues is 41.

Instance 2: SUMIFS From Some other Sheet

Think we’ve refer to sheet that accommodates some information about basketball gamers:

Now think we’d like to modify to Sheet2 and hurry the sum of the issues values for the gamers who’re on staff A and have not up to 10 issues.

We will significance a SUMIFS serve as to do that since we’re the usage of more than one standards when calculating the sum:

=SUMIFS(Sheet1!B2:B11, Sheet1!A2:A11, "A", Sheet1!B2:B11, "<10")

Right here’s methods to observe this system in follow:

We see that the sum of issues scored amongst gamers on staff A who had not up to 10 issues is 22.

Backup Sources

Please see tutorials give an explanation for methods to carry out alternative usual duties in Excel:

Excel: Easy methods to Significance SUMIF with OR
Excel: Easy methods to Significance SUMIF with More than one Levels
Excel: Significance SUMIFS with More than one Standards in Similar Column

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