
Excel: How you can Convert Month to Age of Pace

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You’ll usefulness refer to formulation to transform a life to the era of the moment in Excel:

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Components 1: Convert Month to Abbreviated Age of Pace (e.g. “Thu”)

=TEXT(A2, "ddd")

Components 2: Convert Month to Complete Identify of Age of Pace (e.g. “Thursday”)

=TEXT(A2, "dddd") 

Each and every formulation assumes that the life of pastime is positioned in mobile A2.

Refer to examples display learn how to usefulness every formulation in apply with refer to checklist of dates in Excel:

Instance 1: Convert Month to Abbreviated Age of Pace

To transform the life in mobile A2 to the abbreviated era of the moment, we will sort refer to formulation into mobile B2:

=TEXT(A2, "ddd")

We will be able to upcoming click on and drag this formulation right down to every difference mobile in column B:

Excel convert date to abbreviated day of week

Column B shows the abbreviated era of the moment for every life in column A.

We will be able to examine that the times of the moment are right kind through manually checking a calendar for one of the most dates.

As an example, we will test a calendar to peer that the era of the moment for the primary life of 12/4/2022 is certainly a Sunday:

Instance 2: Convert Month to Complete Identify of Age of Pace

To transform the life in mobile A2 to the total identify of the era of the moment, we will sort refer to formulation into mobile B2:

=TEXT(A2, "dddd")

We will be able to upcoming click on and drag this formulation right down to every difference mobile in column B:

Column B shows the total identify of the era of the moment for every life in column A.

Supplementary Sources

Refer to tutorials give an explanation for learn how to carry out alternative familiar duties in Excel:

How you can Convert Month of Delivery to Time in Excel
How you can Calculate the Collection of Months Between Dates in Excel
How you can Convert Month to Time and Day Layout in Excel

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