
Excel: The best way to Convert YYYYMMDD to Generation Layout

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You’ll be able to utility refer to components to transform a life in YYYYMMDD structure to a DD/MM/YYYY structure in Excel:


This actual components converts the life price in mobile A2 from a YYYYMMDD structure to a DD/MM/YYYY structure.

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For instance, this might convert a price of 20191030 to 10/30/2019, which is an more straightforward life structure to learn.

Refer to instance presentations the right way to utility this components in apply.

Instance: Convert YYYYMMDD to Generation Layout in Excel

Think we’ve got refer to record of dates in Excel which are lately formatted as YYYYMMDD:

We will be able to sort refer to components into mobile B2 to transform the life price in mobile A2 to a extra recognizable life structure:


We will be able to later drag and fill this components all the way down to every difference mobile in column B:

Realize that every life price in column A has been transformed to a life price with a MM/DD/YYYY structure in column B.

Bonus: How This Method Works

The DATE serve as in Excel makes use of refer to plain syntax:

=DATE(while, date, while)

It later returns a life with a MM/DD/YYYY structure.

Thus, if we sort DATE(2019, 10, 30) later Excel will go back 10/30/2019.

Now believe once we utility refer to components:


This components tells Excel to lend refer to arguments to the DATE serve as:

  • The primary 4 characters at the left of a few anecdote.
  • The center 2 characters (forming from place 5) of a few anecdote.
  • The extreme 2 characters at the proper of a few anecdote.

Thus, a life formatted as YYYYMMDD will get transformed to:


This produces a life price with a MM/DD/YYYY structure.

Backup Assets

Refer to tutorials provide an explanation for the right way to carry out alternative regular duties in Excel:

Excel: Calculate the Collection of Months Between Dates
Excel: The best way to Calculate Sum via Generation
Excel: The best way to Calculate Reasonable via Generation

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