
How one can Calculate the Interquartile Dimension (IQR) in Excel

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This instructional explains learn how to calculate the interquartile dimension of a dataset in Excel.

What’s the Interquartile Dimension?

The interquartile dimension, ceaselessly denoted IQR, is a approach to measure the unfold of the center 50% of a dataset. It’s calculated because the excess between the primary quartile* (Q1) and the 3rd quartile (Q3) of a dataset. 

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*Quartiles are merely values that break up a dataset into 4 equivalent portions.

As an example, think we’ve refer to dataset:

[58, 66, 71, 73, 74, 77, 78, 82, 84, 85, 88, 88, 88, 90, 90, 92, 92, 94, 96, 98]

The 3rd quartile seems to be 91 and the primary quartile is 75.5. Thus, the interquartile dimension (IQR) for this dataset is 91 – 75.5 = 15. This tells us how unfold out the center 50% of the values are on this dataset.

How one can Calculate the Interquartile Dimension in Excel

Microsoft Excel doesn’t have a integrated serve as to calculate the IQR of a dataset, however we will simply to find it through the use of the QUARTILE() serve as, which takes refer to arguments:

QUARTILE(array, quart)

  • array: the array of knowledge you’re desirous about.
  • quart: the quartile you  wish to calculate.

Instance: Discovering IQR in Excel

Think we wish to to find the IQR for refer to dataset:

To search out the IQR, we will carry out refer to steps:

Step 1: In finding Q1.

To search out the primary quartile, we merely kind =QUARTILE(A2:A17, 1) into any mobile we make a choice:

Finding the IQR in Excel

Step 2: In finding Q3.

To search out the 3rd quartile, we kind =QUARTILE(A2:A17, 3) into any mobile we make a choice:

Finding the third quartile of a dataset in Excel

Step 3: In finding IQR.

To search out the interquartile dimension (IQR), we merely subtract Q1 from Q3:

IQR in Excel

The IQR seems to be 39.5 – 23.5 = 16. This tells us how unfold out the center 50% of the values are on this explicit dataset.

IQR Calculation in Excel

A Shorter Manner

Observe that lets even have discovered the interquartile dimension of the dataset within the earlier instance through the use of one components:

=QUARTILE(A2:A17, 3) – QUARTILE(A2:A17, 1)

This is able to additionally consequence within the price 16.


The interquartile dimension simplest represents a technique of measuring the “spread” of a dataset. Some alternative techniques to measure unfold are the dimension, the usual divergence, and the variance. 

The good section about the use of the IQR to measure unfold is that it’s proof against outliers. Because it simplest tells us the unfold of the center 50% of the dataset, it isn’t have an effect on through surprisingly little or surprisingly massive outliers.

This makes it a preferable approach to measure dispersion in comparison to a metric just like the dimension, which merely tells us the excess between the most important and the smallest values in a dataset.

Matching: How one can Calculate the Midrange in Excel

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