
How you can Carry out Matrix Multiplication in Excel (With Examples)

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You’ll be able to virtue the MMULT serve as in Excel to accomplish matrix multiplication.

This serve as makes use of refer to modest syntax:

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MMULT(array1, array2)

the place:

  • array1, array2: The 2 matrices you’d love to multiply.

Please see examples display virtue the MMULT serve as to accomplish refer to matrix multiplications in Excel:

  • (2×2) through (2×2) Matrix Multiplication
  • (2×2) through (2×3) Matrix Multiplication
  • (3×3) through (3×2) Matrix Multiplication

Let’s soar in!

Instance 1: (2×2) through (2×2) Matrix Multiplication

Please see screenshot presentations multiply a (2×2) matrix with any other (2×2) matrix in Excel:

2x2 by 2x2 matrix multiplication in Excel

We typed refer to method in cellular G2 to accomplish this matrix multiplication:

=MMULT(A2:B3, D2:E3)

Listed below are the original formulation that Excel worn to accomplish this matrix multiplication:

This ends up in refer to 2×2 matrix:

Matching: An Creation to (2×2) through (2×2) Matrix Multiplication

Instance 2: (2×2) through (2×3) Matrix Multiplication

Please see screenshot presentations multiply a (2×2) matrix with a (2×3) matrix in Excel:

We typed refer to method in cellular H2 to accomplish this matrix multiplication:

=MMULT(A2:B3, D2:F3)

Listed below are the original formulation that Excel worn to accomplish this matrix multiplication:

This ends up in refer to 2×3 matrix:

Matching: An Creation to (2×2) through (2×3) Matrix Multiplication

Instance 3: (3×3) through (3×2) Matrix Multiplication

Please see screenshot presentations multiply a (3×3) matrix with a (3×2) matrix in Excel:

3x3 by 3x2 matrix multiplication in Excel

We typed refer to method in cellular H2 to accomplish this matrix multiplication:

=MMULT(A2:C4, E2:F4)

Listed below are the original formulation that Excel worn to accomplish this matrix multiplication:

This ends up in refer to 3×2 matrix:

Matching: An Creation to (3×3) through (3×2) Matrix Multiplication

Notice: You’ll be able to in finding all the documentation for the MMULT serve as in Excel right here.

Alternative Assets

Please see tutorials provide an explanation for carry out alternative regular duties in Excel:

How you can Importance a MULTIPLY IF Serve as in Excel
How you can Multiply Column through a Share in Excel
How you can Multiply Column through a Consistent in Excel

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