
Choose Rows The place Price Seems in Any Column

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Regularly you might have considered trying to choose the rows of a pandas DataFrame during which a undeniable worth seems in any of the columns.

Thankfully that is simple to do the use of the .any pandas serve as. This instructional explains a number of examples of find out how to significance this serve as in observe.

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Instance 1: To find Price in Any Column

Think now we have refer to pandas DataFrame:

import pandas as pd

#develop DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame({'issues': [25, 12, 15, 14, 19],
                   'assists': [5, 7, 7, 9, 12],
                   'rebounds': [11, 8, 10, 6, 6]})

#view DataFrame

   issues  assists  rebounds
0      25        5        11
1      12        7         8
2      15        7        10
3      14        9         6
4      19       12         6

Refer to syntax displays how to choose all rows of the DataFrame that comprise the price 25 in any of the columns:


        issues	assists	rebounds
0	25	5	11

Refer to syntax displays how to choose all rows of the DataFrame that comprise the values 25, 9, or 6 in any of the columns:

df[df.isin([25, 9, 6]).any(axis=1)]

        issues	assists	rebounds
0	25	5	11
3	14	9	6
4	19	12	6

Instance 2: To find Personality in Any Column

Think now we have refer to pandas DataFrame:

import pandas as pd

#develop DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame({'issues': [25, 12, 15, 14, 19],
                   'assists': [5, 7, 7, 9, 12],
                   'place': ['G', 'G', 'F', 'F', 'C']})

#view DataFrame

   issues  assists place
0      25        5        G
1      12        7        G
2      15        7        F
3      14        9        F
4      19       12        C

Refer to syntax displays how to choose all rows of the DataFrame that comprise the nature G in any of the columns:


issues	assists	place
0	25	5	G
1	12	7	G

Refer to syntax displays how to choose all rows of the DataFrame that comprise the values G or C in any of the columns:

df[df.isin(['G', 'C']).any(axis=1)] 

issues	assists	place
0	25	5	G
1	12	7	G
4	19	12	C

Supplementary Sources

Learn how to Clear out a Pandas DataFrame on A couple of Statuses
Learn how to To find Distinctive Values in A couple of Columns in Pandas
Learn how to Get Row Numbers in a Pandas DataFrame

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