
Pandas: How you can Utility Similar of np.the place()

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You’ll significance the NumPy the place() serve as to temporarily replace the values in a NumPy array the use of if-else good judgment.

As an example, please see code displays the way to replace the values in a NumPy array that meet a definite status:

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import numpy as np

#manufacture NumPy array of values
x = np.array([1, 3, 3, 6, 7, 9])

#replace valuesin array in keeping with status
x = np.the place((x < 5) | (x > 8), x/2, x)

#view up to date array

array([0.5, 1.5, 1.5, 6. , 7. , 4.5])

If a given worth within the array used to be not up to 5 or more than 8, we divided the worth through 2.

Else, we left the worth unchanged.

We will be able to carry out a homogeneous operation in a pandas DataFrame through the use of the pandas the place() serve as, however the syntax is reasonably other.

Right here’s the unsophisticated syntax the use of the NumPy the place() serve as:

x = np.the place(status, value_if_true, value_if_false)

And right here’s the unsophisticated syntax the use of the pandas the place() serve as:

df['col'] = (value_if_false).the place(status, value_if_true)

Please see instance displays the way to significance the pandas the place() serve as in observe.

Instance: The Similar of np.the place() in Pandas

Assume now we have please see pandas DataFrame:

import pandas as pd

#manufacture DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame({'A': [18, 22, 19, 14, 14, 11, 20, 28],
                   'B': [5, 7, 7, 9, 12, 9, 9, 4]})

#view DataFrame

    A   B
0  18   5
1  22   7
2  19   7
3  14   9
4  14  12
5  11   9
6  20   9
7  28   4

We will be able to significance please see pandas the place() serve as to replace the values in column A in keeping with a particular status:

#replace values in column A in keeping with status
df['A'] = (df['A'] / 2).the place(df['A'] < 20, df['A'] * 2)

#view up to date DataFrame

      A   B
0   9.0   5
1  44.0   7
2   9.5   7
3   7.0   9
4   7.0  12
5   5.5   9
6  40.0   9
7  56.0   4

If a given worth in column A used to be not up to 20, we multiplied the worth through 2.

Else, we divided the worth through 2.

Backup Assets

Please see tutorials give an explanation for the way to carry out alternative regular operations in pandas:

Pandas: How you can Rely Values in Column with Situation
Pandas: How you can Leave Rows in DataFrame In keeping with Situation
Pandas: How you can Exchange Values in Column In keeping with Situation

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