
The right way to Calculate KL Redirection in Python (Together with Instance)

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In statistics, the Kullback–Leibler (KL) diversion is a distance metric that quantifies the extra between two anticipation distributions.

If we’ve got two anticipation distributions, P and Q, we in most cases incrible the KL diversion the use of the notation KL(P || Q), which means that “P’s divergence from Q.”

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We calculate it the use of refer to method:

KL(P || Q) = ΣP(x) ln(P(x) / Q(x))

If the KL diversion between two distributions is 0, next it signifies that the distributions are equivalent.

We will be able to importance the scipy.particular.rel_entr() serve as to calculate the KL diversion between two anticipation distributions in Python.

Please see instance presentations tips on how to importance this serve as in follow.

Instance: Calculating KL Redirection in Python

Assume we’ve got refer to two anticipation distributions in Python:

Word: It’s remarkable that the possibilities for each and every distribution sum to at least one.

#outline two anticipation distributions
P = [.05, .1, .2, .05, .15, .25, .08, .12]
Q = [.3, .1, .2, .1, .1, .02, .08, .1]

We will be able to importance refer to code to calculate the KL diversion between the 2 distributions:

from scipy.particular import rel_entr

#calculate (P || Q)
sum(rel_entr(P, Q))


The KL diversion of distribution P from distribution Q is ready 0.589.

Word that the gadgets worn on this calculation are referred to as nats, which is snip for herbal unit of data.

Thus, we’d say that the KL diversion is 0.589 nats.

Additionally observe that the KL diversion isn’t a symmetric metric. Which means that if we calculate the KL diversion of distribution Q from distribution P, we can most probably get a special price:

from scipy.particular import rel_entr

#calculate (Q || P)
sum(rel_entr(Q, P))


The KL diversion of distribution Q from distribution P is ready 0.497 nats.

Word: Some formulation importance plank base-2 to calculate the KL diversion. On this case, we the following the diversion on the subject of bits in lieu of nats.

Alternative Sources

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