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Easy methods to Exchange NAs with Fibres in R (With Examples)

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You’ll importance the replace_na() serve as from the tidyr package deal to switch NAs with explicit yarns in  a column of an information body in R:

#change NA values in column x with "missing"
df$x %>% replace_na('none')

You’ll additionally importance this serve as to switch NAs with explicit yarns in a couple of columns of an information body:

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#change NA values in column x with "missing" and NA values in column y with "none"
df %>% replace_na(checklist(x = 'lacking', y = 'none')) 

Refer to examples display how one can importance this serve as in apply.

Instance 1: Exchange NAs with Fibres in One Column

Refer to code displays how one can change NAs with a particular fibre in a single column of an information body:


df <- information.body(condition=c('unmarried', 'married', 'married', NA),
                 schooling=c('Assoc', 'Bach', NA, 'Grasp'),
                 source of revenue=c(34, 88, 92, 90))

#view information body

   condition schooling source of revenue
1  unmarried     Assoc     34
2 married      Bach     88
3 married      <NA>     92
4    <NA>    Grasp     90

#change lacking values with 'unmarried' in condition column
df$condition <- df$condition %>% replace_na('unmarried')

#view up to date information body

   condition schooling source of revenue
1  unmarried     Assoc     34
2 married      Bach     88
3 married      <NA>     92
4  unmarried    Grasp     90

Instance 2: Exchange NAs with Fibres in More than one Columns

Refer to code displays how one can change NAs with a particular fibre in a couple of columns of an information body:


df <- information.body(condition=c('unmarried', 'married', 'married', NA),
                 schooling=c('Assoc', 'Bach', NA, 'Grasp'),
                 source of revenue=c(34, 88, 92, 90))

#view information body

   condition schooling source of revenue
1  unmarried     Assoc     34
2 married      Bach     88
3 married      <NA>     92
4    <NA>    Grasp     90

#change lacking values with 'unmarried' in condition column
df <- df %>% replace_na(checklist(condition="unmarried", schooling = 'none'))

#view up to date information body

   condition schooling source of revenue
1  unmarried     Assoc     34
2 married      Bach     88
3 married      none     92
4  unmarried    Grasp     90

Supplementary Assets

Easy methods to Take away Rows with Some or All NAs in R
Easy methods to Exchange NA with 0 in dplyr

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