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Find out how to Medication in R: lacking values aren’t allowed in subscripted assignments

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One error message you could stumble upon when the usage of R is:

Error in `[<`(`*tmp*`, df$A == 5, , value = list(A = c(NA,  : 
  missing values are not allowed in subscripted assignments of data frames

This error usually occurs when you attempt to assign values in one column using values from another column, but there happen to be NA values present.

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The following example shows how to resolve this error in practice.

How to Reproduce the Error

Suppose we create the following data frame in R:

#create data frame
df <- data.frame(A=c(3, 4, 4, NA, 5, 8, 5, 9),
                 B=c(12, 13, 7, 7, 12, 11, 15, 7))

#view data frame

   A  B
1  3 12
2  4 13
3  4  7
4 NA  7
5  5 12
6  8 11
7  5 15
8  9  7

Now suppose we attempt to assign a value of 10 to each row in column B where the corresponding value in column A is equal to 5:

#attempt to assign column B a value of 10 where A is equal to 5
df[df$A == 5, ]$B <- 10

Error in `[<`(`*tmp*`, df$A == 5, , value = list(A = c(NA,  : 
  missing values are not allowed in subscripted assignments of data frames

We receive an error because there are NA values in column A and we’re explicitly told in the error message that missing values are not allowed in subscripted assignments of data frames.

How to Avoid the Error

There are two ways to avoid this error.

1. Use %in% Operator

One way to avoid this error is to use the %in% operator when performing the assignment:

#assign column B a value of 10 where A is equal to 5
df[df$A %in% 5,]$B <- 10

#view up to date knowledge body

   A  B
1  3 12
2  4 13
3  4  7
4 NA  7
5  5 10
6  8 11
7  5 10
8  9  7

Understand {that a} worth of 10 has been assigned to every row in column B the place the corresponding worth in column A is the same as 5 and we don’t obtain any error.

2. Virtue

Differently to keep away from this mistake is to usefulness the serve as when acting the project:

#assign column B a worth of 10 the place A is the same as 5
df[!$A) & df$A == 5, ]$B <- 10

#view up to date knowledge body

   A  B
1  3 12
2  4 13
3  4  7
4 NA  7
5  5 10
6  8 11
7  5 10
8  9  7

As soon as once more we’re in a position to assign a worth of 10 to every row in column B the place the corresponding worth in column A is the same as 5 and we don’t obtain any error.

Alternative Assets

Refer to tutorials provide an explanation for cure alternative usual mistakes in R:

Find out how to Medication in R: Arguments indicate differing choice of rows
Find out how to Medication in R: error in make a selection unutilized arguments
Find out how to Medication in R: substitute has area 0

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