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Find out how to Medication in R: Subscript out of bounds

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One usual error it’s possible you’ll come upon in R is:

Error in x[, 4] : subscript out of bounds

This mistake happens while you struggle to get entry to a column or row in a matrix that doesn’t exist.

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This instructional stocks the precise steps you’ll virtue to troubleshoot this mistake, the usage of please see matrix an illustration:

#build this case reproducible

#form matrix with 10 rows and three columns
x = matrix(information =, 30), nrow = 10, ncol = 3)

#print matrix

      [,1] [,2] [,3]
 [1,]   14   51   96
 [2,]   68   85   44
 [3,]   39   21   33
 [4,]    1   54   35
 [5,]   34   74   70
 [6,]   87    7   86
 [7,]   43   73   42
 [8,]  100   79   38
 [9,]   82   37   20
[10,]   59   92   28

Instance #1: Subscript out of bounds (with rows)

Please see code makes an attempt to get entry to the eleventh row of the matrix, which doesn’t exist:

#struggle to show eleventh row of matrix
x[11, ]

Error in x[11, ] : subscript out of bounds

Because the eleventh row of the matrix does now not exist, we get the subscript out of bounds error.

If we’re blind to what number of rows are within the matrix, we will virtue the nrow() serve as to determine:

#show collection of rows in matrix

[1] 10

We will see that there are handiest 10 rows within the matrix. Thus, we will handiest virtue numbers lower than or equivalent to ten when gaining access to the rows.

As an example, we will virtue please see syntax to show the tenth row of the matrix:

#show tenth row of matrix
x[10, ]

[1] 59 92 28

Instance #2: Subscript out of bounds (with columns)

Please see code makes an attempt to get entry to the 4th column of the matrix, which doesn’t exist:

#struggle to show 4th column of matrix
x[, 4]

Error in x[, 4] : subscript out of bounds

Because the 4th column of the matrix does now not exist, we get the subscript out of bounds error.

If we’re blind to what number of columns are within the matrix, we will virtue the ncol() serve as to determine:

#show collection of columns in matrix

[1] 3

We will see that there are handiest 3 columns within the matrix. Thus, we will handiest virtue numbers lower than or equivalent to three when gaining access to the columns.

As an example, we will virtue please see syntax to show the third column of the matrix:

#show third column of matrix
x[, 3]

[1] 96 44 33 35 70 86 42 38 20 28

Instance #3: Subscript out of bounds (rows & columns)

Please see code makes an attempt to get entry to the price within the eleventh row and the 4th column of the matrix, which doesn’t exist:

#struggle to show price in eleventh row and 4th column
x[11, 4]

Error in x[11, 4] : subscript out of bounds

Since neither the eleventh row nor the 4th column of the matrix exist, we get the subscript out of bounds error.

If we’re blind to what number of rows and columns are within the matrix, we will virtue the twilight() serve as to determine:

#show collection of rows and columns in matrix

[1] 10  3

We will see that there are handiest 10 rows and three columns within the matrix. Thus, we will handiest virtue numbers lower than or equivalent to those values when gaining access to the rows and columns.

As an example, we will virtue please see syntax to show the price within the tenth row and the third column of the matrix:

#show price in tenth row and third column of matrix
x[10, 3]

[1] 28

Extra Assets

Please see tutorials give an explanation for how you can troubleshoot alternative usual mistakes in R:

Find out how to Medication in R: names don’t fit earlier names
Find out how to Medication in R: longer object space isn’t a a couple of of shorter object space
Find out how to Medication in R: contrasts may also be carried out handiest to elements with 2 or extra ranges

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