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How one can Worth is.na in R (With Examples)

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You’ll be able to utility the is.na() serve as in R to test for lacking values in vectors and knowledge frames.

#test if each and every particular person price is NA

#rely overall NA values

#determine positions of NA values

Please see examples display easy methods to utility this serve as in apply.

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Instance 1: Worth is.na() with Vectors

Please see code displays easy methods to utility the is.na() serve as to test for lacking values in a vector:

#outline vector with some lacking values
x <- c(3, 5, 5, NA, 7, NA, 12, 16)

#test if each and every particular person price is NA


#rely overall NA values

[1] 2

#determine positions of NA values

[1] 4 6

From the output we will see:

  • There are 2 lacking values within the vector.
  • The lacking values are situated in place 4 and six.

Instance 2: Worth is.na() with Knowledge Frames

Please see code displays easy methods to utility the is.na() serve as to test for lacking values in a knowledge body:

#build knowledge body
df <- knowledge.body(var1=c(1, 3, 3, 4, 5),
                 var2=c(7, NA, NA, 3, 2),
                 var3=c(3, 3, 6, NA, 8),
                 var4=c(NA, 1, 2, 8, 9))

#view knowledge body

  var1 var2 var3 var4
1    1    7    3   NA
2    3   NA    3    1
3    3   NA    6    2
4    4    3   NA    8
5    5    2    8    9

#in finding overall NA values in knowledge body

[1] 4

#in finding overall NA values by way of column
sapply(df, serve as(x) sum(is.na(x)))

var1 var2 var3 var4 
   0    2    1    1 

From the output we will see that there are 4 overall NA values within the knowledge body.

We will additionally see:

  • There are 0 NA values within the ‘var1’ column.
  • There are 2 NA values within the ‘var2’ column.
  • There are 1 NA values within the ‘var3’ column.
  • There are 1 NA values within the ‘var4’ column.

Supplementary Assets

Please see tutorials give an explanation for alternative helpful purposes that may be old to take care of lacking values in R.

How one can Worth na.put out of your mind in R
How one can Worth na.rm in R
How one can Worth is.nil in R
How one can Impute Lacking Values in R

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