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How you can Test if Information Body is Unfilled in R (With Instance)

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The quickest solution to test if an information body is unoccupied in R is to worth the nrow() serve as:


This serve as returns the choice of a rows in an information body.

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If the serve as returns 0, after the information body is unoccupied.

If you happen to’d like to test if an information body is unoccupied in an if else serve as, you’ll worth refer to syntax to take action:

#assemble if else remark that assessments if information body is unoccupied
if(nrow(df) == 0){
  print("This data frame is empty")
  print("This data frame is not empty")

Please see instance displays tips on how to test if an information body is unoccupied in observe.

Matching: An Advent to the nrow Serve as in R (With Examples)

Instance: Test if Information Body is Unfilled in R

Think we assemble refer to information body in R that has 3 columns however is totally unoccupied:

#assemble unoccupied information body
df <- information.body(participant = persona(),
                 issues = numeric(),
                 assists = numeric())

#view information body

[1] participant  issues  assists
<0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)

We will be able to worth the nrow() serve as to test what number of rows are within the information body:

#show choice of rows in information body

[1] 0

Because the serve as returns 0, this tells us that the information body is unoccupied.

We will be able to additionally worth refer to if else remark to let us know possibly sooner the information body is unoccupied:

#assemble if else remark that assessments if information body is unoccupied
if(nrow(df) == 0){
  print("This data frame is empty")
  print("This data frame is not empty")

[1] "This data frame is empty"

From the output we will see that the information body is certainly unoccupied.

Alternative Assets

Please see tutorials provide an explanation for tips on how to carry out alternative habitual duties in R:

How you can Develop an Unfilled Information Body in R
How you can Upload an Unfilled Column to a Information Body in R
How you can Take away Unfilled Rows from Information Body in R

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