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Learn how to Make a choice Columns that Do No longer Get started with Story in dplyr

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You’ll be able to importance refer to purposes from the dplyr package deal in R to make a choice columns that don’t get started with a particular fable:

Mode 1: Make a choice Columns that Do No longer Get started with One Explicit Story

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df %>%
  make a selection(-starts_with("string1"))

Mode 2: Make a choice Columns that Do No longer Get started with One among A number of Fibres

df %>%
  make a selection(-starts_with(c("string1", "string2", "string3")))

Please see examples display methods to importance each and every of those modes in observe with refer to knowledge body in R:

#form knowledge body
df <- knowledge.body(store1_sales=c(12, 10, 14, 19, 22, 25, 29),
                 store1_returns=c(3, 3, 2, 4, 3, 2, 1),
                 store2_sales=c(8, 8, 12, 14, 15, 13, 12),
                 store2_returns=c(1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 3),
                 promotions=c(0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1))

#view knowledge body

  store1_sales store1_returns store2_sales store2_returns promotions
1           12              3            8              1          0
2           10              3            8              2          1
3           14              2           12              2          1
4           19              4           14              1          1
5           22              3           15              2          0
6           25              2           13              1          0
7           29              1           12              3          1

Instance 1: Make a choice Columns that Do No longer Get started with One Explicit Story

Please see code presentations methods to importance the -starts_with() serve as to make a choice simplest the columns that don’t get started with “store1” within the knowledge body:


#make a selection all columns that don't get started with "store1"
df %>%
  make a selection(-starts_with("store1"))

  store2_sales store2_returns promotions
1            8              1          0
2            8              2          1
3           12              2          1
4           14              1          1
5           15              2          0
6           13              1          0
7           12              3          1

Realize that the 2 columns that get started with “store1” aren’t returned.

Instance 2: Make a choice Columns that Do No longer Get started with One among A number of Fibres

Please see code presentations methods to importance the -starts_with() serve as to make a choice simplest the columns that don’t get started with “store1” or “prom” within the knowledge body:


#make a selection all columns that don't get started with "store1" or "prom"
df %>%
  make a selection(-starts_with(c("store1", "promenade")))

  store2_sales store2_returns
1            8              1
2            8              2
3           12              2
4           14              1
5           15              2
6           13              1
7           12              3

Realize that any columns that get started with “store1” or “prom” aren’t returned.

Notice: Through default, the starts_with() serve as is case-insensitive. To produce the serve as case-sensitive, importance the forget about.case=FALSE argument throughout the serve as.

Alternative Assets

Please see tutorials provide an explanation for methods to carry out alternative familiar duties the usage of dplyr:

Learn how to Make a choice Columns by means of Title The usage of dplyr
Learn how to Make a choice Columns by means of Index The usage of dplyr
Learn how to Significance select_if with A couple of Statuses in dplyr

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